Morning Routine & Rituals: The Most Important Habits

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Hey, what’s up my fellow entrepreneurs on this episode of mentors collective, we are going to be talking about something that everybody obsesses over. So I’m just going to give you my point of view on morning rituals, if all probably heard Tim Ferriss and all the other entrepreneurs that we look up to and respect give their various massive laundry list of things that they do every single morning before they get to work.

I myself have been through all of their content have tried most of these rituals and routines. And the truth behind morning routines is the things that you can get done that stick and that work for you are the things that you should continue to do. So let’s go through some of those things and how you actually turn them into experiments and into real habits that you will continue to do hopefully for the rest of your life, which is really the challenging part and the part that nobody really harps on.

So I’m just going to point out some of the little tricks and hacks that I do to trick myself and trick my brain into actually doing the things that I planned on doing and told myself that I’m going to do when it is time to do them. This should be a relatively short episode packed full of value. And if you don’t have an established morning ritual or you go about your day and don’t feel motivated and happy and you feel like you’re starting sluggish, please turn up the volume. Download this episode, if you’re not already subscribed to the Mentors collective podcast hounded that subscribe button, and don’t forget to drop a review and send me a screenshot on Instagram for a free mentors collective apparel item. Alright, without further ado, let’s get into this episode on mourning rituals. So let’s go through some of the things that you’ve been told to do in the morning as soon as you wake up and let’s talk about some of them one by one and some of the things that I found helpful for myself, but the most important thing that I want you to take from this episode is that not everybody is going to wake up and meditate for 30 minutes and do stretches and drink their tea and journal. It’s just just not going to work for everyone.

However, if one thing that you can pull out of this episode is really helpful for you in the morning and relatively easy for you to fit within your schedule and your day, then it’s a huge win the morning should be your time to have a few minutes to yourself to clear your head where you’re not concerned about work to really set yourself up in a prime state to accomplish everything that you want to that day and to have a win every single day. That’s not always easy. But if you start by doing the same things every single morning, then it sets yourself up for a successful day, day after day. Okay, getting right on into it. So the first one that you’ve probably heard a million times over there was a famous speech by an army general about the power of making your bed in the morning. This one’s a non-negotiable, please make your bed in the morning. It’s a success habit of making your bed in the morning. I’ll just repeat it for anyone who hasn’t already heard this spiel, but it’s just something that you do in the morning. It’s an easy win and no matter what you went through that day you come back to a nicely made bed and it’s just a positive thing. You start off with an easy when you start off by doing something disciplined and you build positive momentum for the next thing, make your bed in the morning easy when that one is a non-negotiable.

Then next, that a lot of people swear by his morning meditation. I’ve tried morning meditation, I have done the tricks on myself to try and get myself to do a morning meditation. I don’t I do my meditation at night. Yes, there’s probably some benefit to clearing your head in the morning and setting yourself up for a super awesome day by doing 15 minutes of meditation in the morning as soon as you wake up. That’s not something I’ve been able to make stick nor that I found helpful for myself so I don’t do it. What I do in the morning is some form of exercise whether it be going to the gym or running that’s first thing in the morning for me before I even brush my teeth. Now you judge me all you want. J doesn’t brush his teeth before it goes to the gym. But the most important thing for me is to take action immediately.

As soon as I wake up which I’m going to go through with you I have a very elaborate way that I wake up that feel free to take parts of this away from you know the thing that I set up to use for yourself because it really does work but the first thing I do in the morning is going to the gym, I don’t bring my phone I put all of my music on my Apple Watch, which is really just five-hour long gym playlist, grab my air pods and I go to the gym, my phone is still plugged into my bathroom far away from my bed I found it this is super helpful for preventing you know, distractions during the night or, or the urge to wake up and grab my phone, which all of us are responsible for doing you grab your phone, check your social media, you have Miss text messages, you check your emails and you end up in bed for another 30 minutes to an hour when you could have been at the gym working out and then really getting to work after the gym. So some of the secrets that I’ve used to wake up early and get myself into the gym. The first is pre-workout. And again judging me all you want. The doctor is promoting something unhealthy. I use tier one. It’s five ingredients. It’s got about 200 milligrams of caffeine, I leave it on my bed before I go to sleep.

I also have an Alexa in my bedroom. She heard me and every morning she wakes me up by turning on the lights going through a series of verbal responses that I’ve told her to say to myself from myself to basically motivate me to get up and it caused me a little bit essentially it says if you don’t wake up, you’re not going to achieve any of your goals. What would you know Mark Cuban do and it gets me up every single morning consistently at 6 am. I’m up at 6 am even when I don’t have an alarm set. Now my circadian rhythm my body just wakes up at 6 am but the Alexa is awesome. It turns the light on it goes through me talk I had the pre-workout right there, I chug it. I lay back down for five minutes. I cut on my golden doodle and then I’m off to the gym. I work out for about 45 minutes to an hour. I always do some stretching at the gym. I do a lot of weightlifting primarily every couple of days I’ll do some cardio, but after the gym, I’ll come back and still haven’t touched my phone yet, by the way, I’ll make myself a power smoothie. And typically, this is either avocados, banana, spinach, and honey with a vanilla whey protein organic, always with organic milk or I do a banana peanut butter and strawberry smoothie with chocolate protein powder and organic milk.

After I have my smoothie, I will go in the shower, I’ll brush my teeth. I always brush my teeth after my breakfast people who brush their teeth before their breakfast like what is up What the hell is up with that eat your breakfast first, then brush your teeth then you’ve got to clean mouth until later in the afternoon. Alright, enough of that ramble. So then I shower then I brush my teeth, I do my hair and by the time that I get out of my bedroom, my team is already in my apartment because this is where we work now because all of our co-working spaces are closed and at this time I grabbed my phone I sat down on my computer and by the way, I have a notebook in every room of my house. I have it on my desk, I have it in my bed, I have an outside shower. I’ve got so many notebooks in one of my cars because I always have ideas and things that I need. Do things that I need to prioritize things that I think might make a good idea when I get down to a computer. So, I’m always writing these ideas down.

And by the way, another hack. I use the reminders on my phone religiously. I love it. I tell Siri to remind me of something and she does at the specified time. She is awesome. Okay. So the things that I do that just to recap, I wake up, I don’t meditate. Instead, I drink my pre-workout and I go to the gym, I stretch and I wait left. I feel awesome. I go there with no phone, no distraction. That’s my time to clear my head and start my day with an easy one after Of course making my bed then I come back and I have a really quick light breakfast, which is usually one of the variations of the two smoothies that I just reviewed. Sometimes my roommate’s girlfriend is in a giving mood and will make me eggs in which case I’ll eat the eggs and not have a smoothie after I eat breakfast. That’s my shower, teeth hair face. That’s my beauty tab. I call it after I shower, I get dressed. I usually wear the same thing pretty much every day. I think it was Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg, there’s a power and taking choices away, I pretty much have the same t-shirt and shorts that I wear pretty much every day unless there’s a special event. And that’s just one less decision that I have to make every day. So I don’t enter decision overload as they call it an entrepreneur world, which is where you have to make too many decisions and you get fatigued.

Decision fatigue. That’s what it’s called. And the same thing goes for my breakfast because I don’t have to decide what to eat. It’s just one less decision I have to make my gym routine is pretty scheduled out the workouts that I do are pretty scheduled out I do want to find a trainer and try and switch it up. But this isn’t fatigue is real. All of these simple, easy decisions that you can schedule ahead of time and do repetitively will help you throughout the day. Okay, so after I’ve showered, I get to my desk, I get to my phone, I get to my journal and before I open my computer and start checking my emails, this is usually around 830 I will write down all of the most important things that I know that I have to do today. Usually, that list is like five to eight things long, and then I just put a one and a two next to the two most important things that I need to do today. And this is a skill that I learned in the past six months that has been astronomical for improving my success because there’s always a laundry list of things to do. And there’s always the things that you want to do more than the other things and those things are usually not the things that you should do first, so put the one in the two next to him if you really feel and rescue that day three.

If at the end of the day you got your one and you’re done. You’re at a win if you got three done, hell yes, you got your whole list done. You didn’t do a particularly excellent job with one two and three, and he let it roll over into the next day. But super important stuff guys. For me meditating is best at night meditating makes me tired. I sit there on the edge of my bed, I put on my headspace, and I meditate for 20 minutes before bed. I do headspace for ten and then I’ll sit there and do transcendental for another 10 after I lay down in my bed after that I’m out like a light. So, meditation before bed.

Let’s see what other rituals do People do that they find helpful Epsom salt baths before bed. You know, Tim Ferriss who is one of my, you know, ultimate digital mentors that I look up to and aspire to be like, swears by his soaking tub in his bath. I’ve tried it a handful of times. I hate baths. I hate them. I don’t know how to like them. I have put apple cider vinegar in there, I put the Epsom salt. I’ve made a bubble bath. There’s nothing that I can do to make me like bats. I get very uncomfortable and very anxious and bored. So that’s one thing that you can try to do at night to try and unwind and make yourself feel better. But that just makes me anxious. not a huge fan of supplements to take in the morning. Oh man, as an osteopathic medical doctor and somebody who’s been very involved in the health and fitness space since I was 15 years old. I, of course, have my own supplements staff that I take in the morning people who asked me for a supplement recommendation, I’ll tell them no, everyone’s goals are different. It’s like asking for what medicines you take for somebody who’s got a very specific illness, it just doesn’t work that way I tailor supplements to the individual. A friend of mine has prostate issues so he takes up a medical friend of mine is losing his hair she takes off a meadow. In addition to his finasteride, I take Immune Support vitamins every day, which I think people can take.

I think some general supplements that you should be taking that is pretty much universal. Again, ask your doctor I’m not telling you this as a licensed physician, but a good multivitamin will probably not do you any harm vitamin D if you’re not getting enough sun exposure. A good amount of our population is deficient in vitamin D and fish oil is another awesome one that everybody could be taking got great neurological and vascular benefits. Those are just three honestly vitamin C’s great. I take akinesia I take elderberry every day I take some testosterone sparks. It makes me energetic. It makes me feel great. But if you’re interested, I take a probiotic every day. It’s another one that everybody can take but if you have very specific illnesses or goals for your supplements, feel free to ask your doctor or talk to a health specialist. Not me. I don’t feel comfortable giving you that advice, but I do take supplements in the morning coffee if you’re a coffee drinker. That’s one more thing I’ll do before I brush my teeth. Honestly, instead of coffee like right now when I need a little pick me up, I have a glass of pre-workout next to me, it doesn’t stain my teeth. There’s no sugar in it. There’s no fat in it. There are four basic ingredients. It’s a very it tastes great and I can recommend you my tier one pre-workout which I absolutely love. Okay, guys, so that’s morning routines.

I do suggest that you wake up before the sun is up. Nothing makes me happier than watching the sunrise and knowing that my competition is still asleep. So wake up. I mean, I wake up at 6 am some people are crazy. They do 5 am you know some people do 7 am and according to Tim Ferriss, there’s no direct correlation between how early you wake up some of the most successful entrepreneurs are night owls and if you know like to work all night and sleep all day and wake up at 11 and start grinding and then go to sleep at 3 am you’ve been working So long I’m sure you’ll be just fine but I love waking up before the sunrises I suggest you at least try it and see if it works for you. And that is what I want the theme to be of this entire episode guys, try the things that I just spoke about and see if they work for you see if any of these items are helpful, try them all separately. Try them together. See if you can turn it into a habit. It takes three months of repetitive action before something sticks and becomes a habit. Some things you just really won’t want to do and you won’t do them and it’s not going to stick to some things. You’ll be like, Oh, I did it. I feel great and it wasn’t that hard.

So I’m going to keep doing it like bubble baths for you might not be that hard. It might make you feel great and sleep awesome. Not for me. But for me going to the gym in the morning is super easy, makes me feel great and it’s stuck. So try all these things three months, you know, give it a try. Experiment really take note of your body. Take note of your mind. Take note of your emotional state and take little bits and pieces from all of them. People that you admire and make them your own. No one is going to hand you the answers just like no one’s going to hand you the perfect supplements stack. You’re going to have to experiment and find that those things for yourself, everybody’s different, and you’re going to find what works for you. But the important thing is that you take this seriously because if you do find something consistent, that works for you, then you’re going to have consistently successful days. And I can’t remember who said this, but they say show me your habits. And I’ll show you how successful that you are and how successful that you are going to be.

Okay, mentors collective. If you loved this episode, please, please, please leave us a review wherever you’re listening to this iTunes Google Store, I don’t know doesn’t matter. Drop us a review. If you do and you send me a screenshot on Instagram. I will send you a surprise and if you’re listening to this episode, and you love it and you want to share it with your friends, take a screenshot and post it on Instagram and tag me at Dr. Jay Feldman and I will repost you and I’ll send you a DM with a surprise and that surprise is a gift so It’s real, it’s gonna happen.

So, thank you for tuning in. Thank you for being part of the Mentors collective. Don’t forget to join our exclusive Facebook group if you have not already it is on mentors collective calm, and there’s a lot of exciting things happening soon just joined a coalition of entrepreneurs known as the Launch Academy. If you’re interested in doing that, please let me know as well. All right, guys, I’m going to leave you there. It’s been an absolute pleasure. And I’ll see you in the next episode. Go crush business. Love you all. This is Dr. Jay Feldman. And I just wanted to take a moment to thank you so much for your support and ask you for a little bit more. If you can take the next 10 seconds and write us a review on iTunes, Google Play, or Spotify. Just let me know your feedback. It means the world to me again, thank you for watching. If you love this episode, please share it with your friends. Share it with your family. Until next time!

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