How to Use Podcast Appearances to Build Your Brand

In an increasingly crowded digital space, entrepreneurs are turning to podcasts as a way to market themselves and connect with customers more than ever before. In fact, nearly 60% of the consumers in the United States say they listen to podcasts, with 41% tuning in monthly. Even if you have not taken the plunge to host your own podcast, you can still harness this media’s marketing power by offering your expertise as a guest expert.

How brands connect with listeners through podcasts

Today, there are over 2 million podcasts. Before you jump in, it’s a good idea to listen to various programs in your niche to see what appeals to you and what does not. Put yourself in the audience’s shoes. You know what you want to talk about, but what do your listeners want or prefer to hear?

As you listen, you’ll discover that savvy hosts and guests aren’t promotional. Simply put, you won’t grow your brand in this medium by talking about your “amazing new product.” The moment a podcast feels like an infomercial, listeners tune out. Instead of just talking to the audience, use your expertise to bring valuable, actionable advice to them.

Podcasts allow you to build relationships with listeners by bringing value to their daily lives. Whether you are the host or the expert guest, you add value by telling your brand’s story and sharing your expertise.

To be a successful podcast host or an engaging guest, you don’t have to be a professional speaker, but you do need to hook listeners’ interest. Maybe you’ll employ humor, or maybe you’ll rely on authentic conversation. If you find a way to be relatable, you will find people who want to listen.

Appearances on podcasts boost your brand’s credibility 

You may wonder why successful hosts would share their spotlight with a business that would like to boost authority by appearing as a podcast guest. The fact is that hosts who provide opinions from subject matter experts receive as much of a benefit as their guests do. When hosts bring engaging experts to the table, it casts them as a leader in the field.

Podcast hosts are looking for guests who will add variety, authority, and flavor to their shows. They need experts and thought leaders who can share insights with their listeners. In addition, they hope you will bring new listeners their way as you promote your appearance on their show to your network of followers. After all, they value the chance to talk with your audience just as much as you value the opportunity to reach theirs.

How brands become expert guests on podcasts 

You can reach out to podcast hosts directly to grow your brand through podcast appearances. So long as you are credible and remain approachable, hosts in your area of expertise will be more eager to add your opinions to their shows.

If that type of networking takes more time than you have to give, don’t worry. The popularity of podcasts has grown so much that there are now specific agencies specializing in connecting podcast hosts with guests in their target vertical. These agencies leverage their network and outreach approaches to find opportunities that benefit everyone involved and handle all scheduling details. As a guest expert, you simply show up at the appropriate time and place for your interviews. Podino is the agency I work with personally.

How to Build Authority Through Podcasting and Get Professionally Published With Zero Experience(Opens in a new browser tab)

Using podcast appearances to promote your brand 

After a successful podcast appearance as a guest expert, your work has just begun. Promoting each appearance is the most important step to building your brand through podcasting. Of course, you will reach new listeners through the podcast’s regular audience, but to make the most of the appearance, you need to promote it to your own community. As soon as the podcast’s host sends you a live link to the episode, share it on your social media channels, email newsletter, website, and anywhere else you can.

Written content such as email newsletters, blog posts, and website articles offers you a fantastic avenue to promote each podcast appearance. Transcribing audio interviews is virtually effortless, thanks to advances in transcription software such as and Trint.

Another method to promote your podcast appearance is similar to making a movie trailer; splice a few intriguing snippets from your appearance into a 30-second clip. Next, back the trailer with engaging pictures or video. Finally, post the teaser on your LinkedIn page, TikTok channel, Instagram feed, or Facebook account with a link to the full episode.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to engage new customers through the power of podcasting platforms. Appearing as a guest expert is a great way to dip your toe into this expanding market. Whether you host your show or share insights as a guest, you’ll broaden your audience base and boost your credibility with existing followers.

By John Horn, CEO — StubGroup

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