Will Russian tech giant Yandex’s source code leak reveal the inner workings of Google?

The marketing sphere is abuzz over the latest news of Russian tech giant Yandex’s source code leak. Some believe the information revealed could hold some possibilities for deciphering the inner workings of other search engines such as Google, but others remain skeptical.

Here’s a run-down of the information emerging:

Yandex Search is a Russia-based search engine that accounts for 51.2% of search traffic in Russia.

On January 27th, Yandex’s source code was leaked in an alleged cybersecurity breach.

The source code repository involved contained 1,912 factors used by the search engine for ranking websites in search results.

The SEO community remains divided on the issue. Some are indifferent, due to the fact that Yandex only has around 1% of all search traffic and is almost exclusively used in Russia. Many believe it is hardly comparable to Google. However, some marketers are attempting to find similarities between the two companies or even consider conspiracy theories; some employees have worked for some time in both companies, therefore meaning perhaps some parallels can be drawn – thus helping to unravel Google’s secretive algorithm parameters.

However, that seems like a stretch. Anatolii Ulitovskyi, a founder of UNmiss and SEOquick, commented on these trends:

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“I understand both sentiments but relate more to those who remain unmoved by the news. I agree with John Mueller, who teaches us to stop reading SEO news and start creating something valuable for customers. Neil Patel told me on my podcast that he doesn’t read SEO news because so much information is coming every day. Saving that time to create and promote content makes him successful.

“I spoke with over 400 marketing experts on my podcast, and with many great influencers on LinkedIn and YouTube who have no idea how algorithms work – but they share value for their audience, help, and support. That is why algorithms love them. For me as well, my time is spent 20% on finding new ideas, and 80% on implementation.”

New updates share that 70% of the algorithms leaked are no longer functional as Yandex scrambles for damage control. This is an excellent example of how new technology moves fast. A human being can only decipher so much before the technology has out-maneuvered them. There is no secret shortcut; only by learning and taking action can there be a long-lasting success.

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