The Power of Healing and How It Will Help Your Business Grow

Shelby St.clair has spent the last ten years as an entrepreneur growing businesses from the ground up, building teams, and becoming a multiple six-figure earner. She has a slightly different focus than most of the other movers and shakers in the entrepreneurial space, however. 

St.clair created The Boss Lady Agency with one goal in mind: freedom. St.clair launched her coaching business in 2017 to help other women shift their perspectives on how starting and growing a business is done. “I help female coaches heal from trauma to release fears and limiting beliefs,” she says. “I want all of my clients to step into their purpose with power and never feel unworthy of success again. As a soul alignment activator and business strategist, I connect the mind, body, and spirit with strategy, optimization, and business growth.”

How St.clair rose above her own trauma and limiting beliefs

Unfortunately, life coaches aren’t exempt from their own struggles, and trials. “In 2019, my husband passed away while I was six months pregnant,” St.clair remembers. “That trauma tore my world apart.”

The months of healing seemed unending, but eventually, St.clair came out of that pain with a new purpose. She emerged from the darkness with a vision for the women she helped. “The healing I experienced was a pivotal moment for me,” she recalls. “I took my coaching business in an entirely new direction. From that point on, my goal was to enable women like myself to heal from traumatic experiences. We can either be afraid and run or face our fears and rise; I choose to rise and help my clients do the same.”

St.clair brings the power of healing and freedom to the entrepreneurial space

St.clair is a veteran life coach. During years of coaching in the business space, she has seen just how much entrepreneurial challenges impact women. “Building a successful company can be soul-crushing,” she admits. “The experience can take over and drain the life right out of an entire family.”  

The Boss Lady Agency helps women who are ready to take on life by creating their dream businesses. With patience, St.clair guides female service providers through deep soul alignment work as they heal from fears and limiting beliefs. Eventually, they connect with their authentic selves and step into their power as the Boss Ladies they are. Her unique coaching methods enable clients to confront limiting beliefs with the power of truth and healing. 

“So many women let other people’s opinions and judgments hold them back,” she observes. “By dealing head-on with how these hidden lies affect our mindset, we can experience incredible breakthroughs and unlock unprecedented potential. Together, we go deep and uncover who they are as an individual beneath all life’s programming.”

St.clair is both an NLP and a certified Hypnosis Practitioner. Combining practical business tools and a “connection to the divine,” she works with her clients to bridge the gap between conscious awareness and unconscious behavior. Through private coaching, she enables women to step into their authentic selves, love who they are, recognize their strengths, and live out their purpose as they create the life they have always envisioned.

Trauma creates the limiting beliefs and fears that cause so many business failures. Ultimately, St.clair guides her clients to turn their trauma into power. As they heal, these business owners recognize where their resistances come into play and how it connects to the trauma they experienced.


The Boss Lady Agency is unique in that it ties together healing practices and modalities with business strategy. This rare combination allows for a deep connection between the mind, body, and soul. “Women need to equally acknowledge every aspect of their being when bringing a new business into this world,” says St.clair. “Full awareness of mind, body, and soul enables business owners to connect to their motivation, or ‘why.’ We all need to experience the power of knowing our true mission in this world.”

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