Stagnant Life & Career? Juliana Owen Lists 3 Surprising Blockages She Regularly Encounters in Her Coaching & Mentoring Practice

Sometimes it can feel like you’re doing all the right things, and still, your life, career, or both refuse to take off. Your resume is up-to-date and well designed, you’ve got experience and excellent references, and you even worked on your interview and pitch techniques — what more could you do? As Life and Career Coach Juliana Owens explains, a lot of aspiring and ambitious people focus on tackling tangible issues such as these yet fail to address the unknown blockages deterring their careers. Juliana outlines three subconscious obstacles that she regularly encounters in her online Therapy and Career Coaching platform New Mind Consulting

Juliana started New Mind Consulting in 2020, with a mission to help people overcome everyday challenges across both their personal life and career. Apart from her bachelor’s degree in psychology, Juliana pursued diplomas in, among others, behavioural therapy and (relationship) counselling. On top of that, she’s also a certified NLP Practitioner. All in all, her experience with helping others overcome challenges and become the best version of themselves spans over 20 years. As a Mentor, she brings awareness to the thoughts and behaviours that are blocking people, helping them to expand consciousness through self-development and by extension, this will impact them across all areas of life and career success. 

Below Juliana outlines the 3 pitfalls she often sees as a Life and Career Mentor. 

  1. Their heart isn’t truly in it.

Sometimes people embark on a career path for the wrong reasons which could be because they felt pressured to do so or because they went along with societal expectations. No wonder your career isn’t kicking off! As a coach, I help people to learn and  understand who they truly are at heart and help them to have the confidence to be that person through self-development. Authenticity is key: have the courage to be real.

2.  Underestimating the influence of their personal lives on their career.

Work and our personal lives are intrinsically interlinked — that’s why I choose to focus on both domains during the set-up of New Mind Consulting coaching sessions. People tend to gloss over personal issues while they’re hyper-focusing on their careers. But frequently, it’s exactly those issues which are holding them back in living an extraordinary life.

3.    Not spotting destructive patterns

To learn, we must be willing to see and acknowledge faults in order to change them. You can learn a lot from your mistakes when you aren’t busy denying them. Life and career coaching is all about mapping unhelpful behaviour and creating a roadmap towards healthy and assertive thoughts and actions. Self-development is key! Once you know who you are and how to  position yourself towards different areas of life, that’s when success will come towards career and life goals.

Interested to learn more or find out which subconscious blockages you’re struggling with? Then book a consultation with Juliana through the New Mind Consulting website today! 

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