Read Pierre Boucher’s Most Recent Argument On The Origin Of The Universe

People continue to wonder how the cosmos was formed, and it is one of the most reoccurring ideas that is passed down from generation to generation. Every generation wonders how this planet actually came into existence and puts in their complete effortis into the research since previous research like Big Bang and any similar ideas do not satisfy their insatiable hunger. As a result, they embark on their own journey and investigate all of the previously deconstructed theories.

The Big Bang Theory is still one of the most relatable ideas of all time, making sense to the majority of people and convincing them that this was the beginning of the world. This notion arose from the fact that galaxies travel in all directions on their own as if they were fighting an old explosive force. Georges Lemaître was the first to propose the hypothesis, and it quickly gained popularity as many well-known experts, like Edwin Hubble, supported it since his own study demonstrated that galaxies are rushing away from us and traveling in all directions.

Scientific evidence even revealed that matter originated as protons, neutrons, and other known particles that comprised the atomic nucleus. The particles then organized themselves in such a way that the protons and neutrons produced the hydrogen and helium nuclei over the first three minutes. The cosmos was composed of 75% hydrogen and 25% helium in early matter, and the abundance of helium has been proven by scientific evidence, making the theory more credible.

Follow the New Findings Of Pierre Boucher

Pierre Boucher works as a writer, author, book editor, distributor, and publisher. His passion for philosophy drove him to do groundbreaking research, which proved Stephen Hawking’s ideas erroneous. According to Stephen Hawking, the gravitational pull of the black hole is so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape it.However, Boucher made significant changes to the theory by discovering that a Black Hole may reverse its polarities and eject (repulsive force) Lightning, Stars, Time, Matter, Space, and so on. And what truly produced the universe were powerful thunderclaps that emitted out of the black hole and were of limitless length. These lightning strikes flip the polarities of the Black Hole, transforming it from (-: +) to (+: -), which is equal to a perfect universe.

In reality, this is simply the sum of his one hypothesis; all of his hypotheses are intriguing and provide individuals with fresh perspectives to consider Natural proof: lightning, Charles Du Fay: (1733), One divided by zero, The missing link, The Spirit: Nothingness, God is Love, and Albert Einstein is among his other findings. He is on a mission to establish that the world was created before the Big Bang and that there is much more to it than we perceive it. It is past time for people to discover the truth. You may learn more about Pierre Boucher and his discoveries by visiting his website at

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