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Nicole BZ: Fusing Creativity and Commerce for the Future of Small Businesses

Nicole BZ cut her teeth in small businesses, local economies, and optimizing 21st-century technology for visionary leaders. A die-hard fan of all things creative, connection, and community, Nicole weaves her passions with her expertise, empowering business owners and CEOs to make their dreams their reality. Nicole has worked across the globe and industries and is currently obsessing over Web3 and monetizing businesses’ unique creative processes and purposes. 

For more details, visit her website here.

Today, we sit down with Nicole BZ to chat about her journey as an entrepreneur and get some insights. 

Q. Tell us a little more about your entrepreneurship – how did you get started? What inspired you?

Nicole: I started my entrepreneurial journey in 2003 with the opening of my first business. Over the years, I’ve been deeply involved in more than 48 businesses, gaining valuable experience. In 2018, I made a pivotal transition into business coaching, leveraging my creative expertise and extensive experience to empower and support leaders in their growth and success.

Q. What entrepreneurial tricks have you discovered to keep you focused and productive?

Nicole: Time blocking, prioritization, delegation, regular short breaks, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, leveraging technology tools, continuous learning, and clear communication are key strategies I use to manage a busy schedule while remaining focused and productive.

Q. What is the most memorable thing you’ve done since you started your business?

Nicole: Some memorable experiences include launching internationally by empowering people to explore their creative potential, supporting marginalized start-up founders, and championing environmental sustainability in business.

Q. If you were to write a book about yourself, what would you name it?

Nicole: “The Creative Catalyst’s Guide to Business Revolution” – a book that offers insights and strategies from my extensive experience as a business visionary, helping readers unlock their creative potential and transform their businesses.

Q. What motivates you?

Nicole: Empowering visionary leaders to unlock their creative potential, ignite innovation, and achieve success is my greatest motivation. I find immense fulfilment in guiding others toward abundance, personal growth, and spreading their gifts to the world.

Q. What is one of the best or most worthwhile investments you’ve ever made?

Nicole: Investing in Web 3, cryptocurrency spaces, and constantly learning to better understand the evolving landscape of business, creativity, and technology has proven invaluable for both my own expertise and the support I offer to my clients and businesses.

Q. What key activities would you recommend entrepreneurs invest their time in?

Nicole: Strategic planning, nurturing strong relationships, investing in team cohesion, continuous learning, networking, innovation, and self-care are key activities entrepreneurs should prioritize for sustainable growth and success.

Q. What is your ‘one-sentence’ piece of advice you’d like to give to someone who wants to become an entrepreneur, coach, or business owner?

Nicole: Embrace the creative fusion of your unique talents with sound business strategies, and never stop learning and innovating, for it’s this synergy that fuels success, creates abundance, and transforms.

To keep up to date with Nicole BZ and her journey, connect with her on Instagram.

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