Meet the Founder of The Silver Investment Group, Austin Silver

Austin started his career as a retail trader in 2015 in his college dorm room. As with most retail traders, he spent the first eighteen months of his career up and down, unable to find consistent success. Austin was finally able to turn a consistent profit in year two and from there, it was off to the races.

After building, testing, and proving his “ASFX” trading systems profitable, people started to ask him to share his knowledge. Fast forward a few years later, and Austin has now built one of the largest social media followings in the trading industry by sharing valuable content through his daily trades.

Being an entrepreneur at heart, Austin has built multiple successful businesses around the strategies he uses in the Forex market. Austin’s passion is rooted in helping bring value to the masses. His goal is to get as many people as possible trading actively and take full control of their financial future.

Here we sit down with Austin, to know a bit more about his journey as an entrepreneur.

Q. What inspired you to become an entrepreneur?

Austin: I think it was always in me. From a young age, I have always understood that money doesn’t buy happiness but it can solve problems and make life easier. Since I understood that entrepreneurship, working for yourself, is the only true path to freedom, it really was my only option. With practice, I’ve been able to get really great at it.

Q. How did you get started?

Austin: I’ve been an entrepreneur for a long time, I was always the kid running garage sales or shoveling snow for money in the neighborhood I grew in.

Q. What was your biggest startup challenge? What steps did you take to overcome it? What did you learn?

Austin: I struggled with trying to do it all myself. Once I was able to make enough money to start hiring people, we grew even faster. Being able to focus on what I am good at, leaving the other tasks to people who are better at them than me, opened us up for massive growth.

Q. What is the Most Memorable Thing You’ve Done Since you Started your Business?

Austin: One of the most memorable things that we have been able to accomplish is hosting 4 live trading seminars in 2021, the year after all the lockdowns. Being able to pull ticket sales for live events was something that we thought would be tough, but we actually found it to be easy as everyone was so eager to get back to normal life.

Q. What is one book you recommend, and why?

Austin: I am always pushing people to read The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. It’s so short you have no excuse to not read it, and it’s guaranteed to make a positive impact in every area of your life. Sadhguru says, “even if you do the right things for the wrong reasons, you can still get the right impact out of them”.

Q. In terms of legacy, what is the mark you’d like to leave on the world?

Austin: This is a deep question. I would like people to remember as someone who made a positive impact on their lives. My mark should be built on kindness, hard work, staying focused and determined towards accomplishing goals, and loving everyone as best you can along the way.

Q. In one sentence, what’s the best advice you’d give to someone just starting out on their entrepreneurial journey?

Austin: Trust your gut and become a master of your craft, don’t let other people’s insecurities slow you down!

To keep up to date with Austin and his journey, connect with him on Instagram.

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