Meet the Founder and CEO of Lead for Success, Ena Chartier

Ena Chartier is an entrepreneur and a success coach with a purpose to impact women by motivating and inspiring them to fulfil their purpose and achieve their goals.

She is on a mission to help women all around the world how to get to the next level in their life and business. She is the founder and CEO of Lead For Success where female professionals and entrepreneurs receive empowering resources to lead, grow and succeed by paving their own path to success.

In her educational background, she holds a Bachelor’s degree in Management of organizations, a master’s degree in Public Management, a Master’s degree in Human Resources, a professional coach certification and positive psychology and NLP training.

Ena is without a doubt, a coach who knows perfectly how to bring out the best in an individual. Her years of working in various industry positions and her struggle to find her voice lead her as an entrepreneur who will stop at nothing to see women connect to their purpose, use their gifts and talents, break down mental barriers and flourish professionally and personally. She knows the ins and outs of the corporate world and has spent two decades serving the public and private sectors in consulting, management, recruitment and human resources.

She quit her job as a head of recruitment in the public sector in France and moved to the UK. Now she helps women become their best selves and unleash their inner leader.

Her motto is: turn your fears into fuel, rise up and conquer your dreams.

Beyond work, Ena enjoys spending time with her husband and her 3 children and she is always ready to learn new things and grow as a person and a professional.

She is also the founder of “Maëna” a charity for girls’ education and women’s empowerment on the Ivory coast.

For more details, visit their website here.

Here we sit down with Ena, to know a bit more about her journey as an entrepreneur.

Q. Tell us a little more about your journey as an entrepreneur – how did you get started? What inspired you?

Ena: I have always been interested in entrepreneurship, but more as a secondary activity. I was thinking of a “classic career” and I climbed the ladder in my career as a recruitment manager and career advisor.

But I felt that I was not completely fulfilled. I knew deep down that I was destined for something big and that I could create a greater impact in the lives of others. I went through professional difficulties such as burnout, and professional boredom and after a depressive épisode, I decided to take control of my life.That led me to coaching. And for two years, I lived my purpose and worked on my own terms. Today, I help other women to do the same, to do what they love without burnout and anxiety. I help them live their purpose and get closer to realizing their vision of next-level success in their career, business, and life.

Q. What are your long-term goals in business? Paint a vision for the future

Ena: My goal is to impact the lives of one million women who are aligned with my mission. My vision is to help more women fulfill their true ambitions, build a profitable business and become great leaders through coaching, workshops and events. And my goal is also to help managers become more efficient and good leaders for the well-being of their teams and for the performance of their organization. The world needs more extraordinary leaders at work and in business.

Q. What motivates you?

Ena: The satisfaction of the people I work with. There’s no better reward than seeing people become their best selves, become more confident and financially free doing what they love. There’s nothing more motivating than seeing women owning their brilliance and realizing that they can break free from their limiting beliefs and have anything they want.

Q. What business-related book has inspired you the most, or, what is your favourite book?

Ena: Definitely “Unlimited Power” by Tony Robbins, because it impacted me at a turning point in my life and helped me understand that we can achieve, and create anything we want out of life.

Q. What strategies do you use to optimize your performance or mindset?

Ena: I keep learning from the best mentors and I read a lot. I understood that the mindset is 80% and 20% for strategies. “Change your mindset and transform your life”, is valid for everyone and it is constant work. I set up a routine with sport, healthy eating and meditation. 

Q. If you were to write a book about yourself, what would you name it?

Ena: Born to shine. Because we were born brilliant and I deeply believe that women are destined to succeed, no matter their circumstances and struggles. They just need to discover their brilliance and do what they love, so they can make the impact they are here to make. 

Q. What is one of the best or most worthwhile investments you’ve ever made?

Ena: Invest in me, train with mentors and keep learning. But the best investment that I have made is definitely to educate little girls in Ivory Coast (west africa) and to give them access to education through the charity “Maëna” that I founded for the education of girls and the empowerment of women.

Q. Where do you see the future in your niche/industry 3-5 years from now?

Ena: Progressing on my path to success with more speaking engagements about female empowerment and how to clarify your vision and embody your genius to create an impact in the world. Become an authority in my industry.

Q. What is your ‘one-sentence’ piece of advice you’d like to give to someone who wants to become an entrepreneur, coach, or business owner?

Ena: Get support to succeed and surround yourself with people who share your vision and ambition because we are the average people, we spend the most time with.

To keep up to date with Ena and her journey, connect with her on LinkedIn

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