Meet Sohaib Albadawee, Founder of Growth Tribe: Turning Employees into Entrepreneurs


Meet Sohaib Albadawee, the Founder of Growth Tribe based in Madrid, Spain. From being an employee, he is now a $1M one-person business.

He believes that “A job gets you paid, entrepreneurship gets you freedom.” 

For more information, connect with them on LinkedIn. 

Today, we had a little chat with Sohaib to learn a bit more about his entrepreneurial journey!

Q. Tell us a little more about your journey as an entrepreneur – how did you get started? What inspired you?

Sohaib: I started my career as an Aviation Engineer. In 2014, almost by coincidence, my career shifted toward marketing. I climbed up the ladder and landed a position to lead a Growth Marketing team. 

In 2019, just as the pandemic was starting to take over the world, I started consulting with multiple startups as a fractional CMO. It was the experience of working with startups that made me fall in love with the idea of building my own business. 

Q. How do you market your business, and which tactics have been most successful?

Sohaib: The most successful tactic for me has been focusing on content marketing. I’ve followed the approach of understanding my ideal customer persona, which helped me identify the main pain points of my ideal customers and create content around it that would generate inbound leads. 

Q. What has been your most satisfying moment in business, and why?

Sohaib: The most satisfying moment for me is helping others set out on their entrepreneurial journeys. When I was starting, I received help as well and now I’m happy to do that for others. These positive-sum games are the most satisfying dynamics of the business.

Q. Where do you see the future in your niche/industry 3-5 years from now?

Sohaib: I think that the next 5 years will be the era of the “One-Person business”. Right now, you can do what you love, earn an extra $100k+, and connect with the best in the world. In my opinion, it’ll be the best time to be alive.

Q. What is one of the best or most worthwhile investments you’ve ever made?

Sohaib: Over time, I’ve realized that investing in yourself is what provides the highest return on investment. You can do that in many different ways, such as investing in getting access to people who are where you want to be, such as masterminds and consultants. 

You can also invest in knowledge with online and cohort-based courses, and experience, with building side-projects and small businesses. Even if they fail, you gain a lot of first-hand knowledge and experience. 

Q. Which social media platform are you most bullish on in 2023, and why?

Sohaib: I think both Twitter and LinkedIn are underrated. Twitter provides access to an awesome community of entrepreneurs, creators, and authors. LinkedIn provides access to unparalleled business opportunities and it allows you to reach coffers and decision-makers.

Q. What business-related book has inspired you the most?

Sohaib: I truly believe that, throughout your life, you will find at least one book that will change the trajectory you’re on. In my case, that book was “The 4-Hour Workweek” by Tim Ferris.

Q. What is your ‘one-sentence’ piece of advice you’d like to give to someone who is just embarking on their entrepreneurial journey?

Sohaib: I would say don’t quit your job to start a new business. That’s terrible advice because there’s a high downside and no upside whatsoever. Instead, dedicate an hour of your day to start a side hustle and be consistent with it until you can employ yourself. 

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To keep up with Sohaib or connect with him, check him out on Twitter!

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