Making Ideas Happen – Bringing Innovation

Innovations create opportunities to transform people and organizations from their current state to a better state. Deming-based Lean Six Sigma Management is a managerial innovation synthesized by Dr. Howard Gitlow. It allows organizations to transform from their current style of management, called Traditional Management, which focuses only on stockholders’ welfare, to Professional Management, also called Deming-based Lean Six Sigma Management, which focuses on all shareholders welfare.

Deming-based Lean Six Sigma Managementcombines four disciplines to create a management style that benefits all shareholders simultaneously. Dr. W. Edwards Deming’s theory of management promotes joy in work, and thereby, releases the power contained in intrinsic motivation.  Japanese Total Quality Control provides the administrative systems to operationalize Dr. Deming’s theory of management. Six Sigma Management is a quality management methodology which relentlessly reduces unit-to-unit variation in critical products and step-by step variation in critical processes and services. Lean Manufacturing’s aim to minimize waste and increase the speed of a system. Dr. Gitlow merged all the above theories and formed a new theory which integrates the above theories.

The Value of An Idea Lies in The Using of It

Deming Based Lean Six Sigma Managementcan be found on two massive on-line courses (MOOCs):

  1. Deming -based Process Improvement and
  2. Deming-based Lean Six Sigma Management

Both MOOCs are available at

Anecdotally, wherever Deming-based Lean Six Sigma management has been seriously tried it has been successful in making the rich richer and moving the poor into the middle class. Deming-based Lean Six Sigma has been successful at the Lennar Foundation Medical Center of the University of Miami Healthcare System, the Department of Pathology at the Miller School of Medicine, and DeAngelo Marine Exhaust in Fort Lauderdale.

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