Luke Hodson’s method for transforming brand culture into content through culture marketing

Individuals get together every day to pursue a specific objective, whether to cook the tastiest food in the world or provide the most secure software. Brands are not faceless organizations; instead, they are living, breathing things that individuals developed. The personal touch, though, may be challenging to maintain in marketing. Often, the substance of a brand is uninteresting, lacking in personality and a gripping narrative. People can’t relate to it, and as a result, it cannot fulfill its purpose. Fortunately, there is a one-of-a-kind kind of content that may generate powerful connections by revealing to people what your company’s culture is like behind the scenes. The concept is known as “cultural marketing.” In the following paragraphs, we will assess Luke Hodson’s method for transforming brand culture into content through culture marketing.

Culture Marketing Luke Hodson’s way

Before analyzing Luke Hodson’s method for transforming brand culture into content, let’s find out who Luke Hodson is. Luke Hodson is the founder of the Urban Nerds Collective, a youth marketing agency. This firm evolved from London’s most cutting-edge urban lifestyle brand, Urban Nerds, which started in East London in 2007. A family of creative individuals known as Urban Nerds may be discovered on the streets, at nightclubs, on t-shirts, and the internet. Hodson’s objective was to champion the diverse landscape of urban youth culture and to interact with companies that shared a desire to connect with this demographic group authentically. In addition, Hodson’s goal was to do all this while maintaining his integrity. Now that you know who Luke Hodson is let’s assess his methods in culture marketing. Culture marketing is a sub-category of content marketing in which your company’s history and traditions are highlighted to familiarize potential customers with your brand. He creates appealing material that reflects the corporate culture so that he can expose people to the team behind his brand and establish a community of individuals who share values similar to his own beliefs. He believes that the more he can cultivate these kinds of significant connections, the more he will be able to expand the reach of his brand. Through cultural marketing, he assists individuals in coming to terms with who they are and what they stand for, which may be the last push they want to make a purchase choice.

Hodson always begins launching a new campaign with a round of creative thinking. During these first brainstorming sessions, he gets together with his creative staff and anybody else who may have insightful ideas. He selects some of the most distinctive characteristics of his company and uses each character as a pillar to ideate around. It is more probable that he will think of other posts or general content ideas as soon as he starts his creative juices flowing.

He maps each narrative concept to its target audience, which is often made up of younger people. This helps him evaluate his ideas more thoroughly. This provides him with the information necessary to determine whether or not his tale will be entertaining, what format it ought to take, and what channel he should utilize to advertise it.

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