Leslie T Mitchel on How Can You Have It All With a Perfect Work-Life Balance

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We humans should never settle for less than we deserve, and yet we do. Our world is full of jobs we hate, broken relationships, and lives that are mediocre at best. So why is that? Well, most of the time, we are so caught up in everyday errands that we can’t figure out the answer for this. But certain people around us sure have, like Leslie T Mitchell. She is an author, speaker, corporate trainer, life coach, certified credit consultant, realtor, and motivational speaker. Through her consulting company, Mind Work Solutions, she helps Fortune 500 companies take charge of their training and development challenges. With a BA in Communications and a MA in Telecommunications, with a focus on business. Three of her accomplishments have been particularly rewarding for her, including stepping away from a 9 to 5 job, becoming an entrepreneur, and most recently hosting her very own TV show “You Can Have It All”.


Have It All

According to Leslie, the reason might be that you believe it is easier to settle for whatever is easier to access instead of facing the challenges that stand between you and a better life. Don’t do that. It is like signing up for a slow and painful death by settling for mediocrity. To become the best version of yourself, you must take on all the things you’re afraid to do. The best way to grow is by facing your fears. Fear is what holds you back. Embrace your fear, be ambitious, and take on the things you are afraid of. As a transformational coach, she helps people go from unsure to sure, from compliancy to pursing the life of their dreams, to Never Settle and most importantly attain a perfect work-life balance and excel in what you do.


Work-Life Balance in 2022

In 2022, will you be able to achieve a work-life balance? Do you feel confident answering this little question? Despite the dramatic increase in home work during the pandemic, many employees and self-employed people report feeling stressed. It seems like it is becoming a dilemma to have that perfect work-life balance in today’s age. But you can have a way simpler and effective approach in this regard, if you take a lesson or two from those who have nailed this art of living a life while building empires simultaneously. Do not settle for less. Leslie especially emphasizes this in her mentorship program; books and workshops.


B.A.M – Balance Act Masterclass

If you are an entrepreneur or corporate executive or aspire to be one, you too will benefit from this four-week B.A.M – Balance Act Masterclass on managing your balance beam of life. This course is an explanation of Leslie’s life balancing strategies that have helped her replace her corporate salary in as little as 90 days, have multiple streams of income, while being a wife, mom, consultant, community leader, and realtor, all without any stress or pressure.


Leslie’s Personal Life

Leslie is a wife and mom of two incredibly brilliant children. She has been living in a happy marriage for more than twenty years, supporting her family in every possible way. Her son is a competitive swimmer who dreams of becoming a Psychiatrist and her daughter is pursuing a doctorate in dentistry. Leslie firmly believes that family is everything. Her family is what keeps her grounded and holds her accountable to living a balanced life and has been her biggest supporters.


Plan Your Schedule

Usually 60 – 100 hours per week are wasted because people have too much down time and aren’t busy enough, or the other way around. Schedule your time. Schedule every 30 minutes with something exciting; this could be work, it could be sleep, it could be watching a movie, it could be learning to play an instrument, etc. The key is to tell your time where to go and what to do and not the other way around explains Leslie. We all get 84,600 seconds in a day, the question becomes what are you doing with the time you have been given.


Don’t Let Anyone Stop You

Leslie thinks that you should be the first one to test something that someone says cannot be done or is impossible. Test it, see if it is impossible, and then come up with a way that will accomplish the task. You will become the person everyone goes to when they need something handled that is too hard. By learning how to solve difficult problems, never giving up, and realizing that you are much more capable than you think you are, you will prove to be above average.


Be the Best

Learning about yourself, improving yourself and mastering all aspects of your life is more important than just studying in class. Make sure you study every day. If you watch videos or read an hour a day, you will be way more knowledgeable than most people, which gives you more power over your life.


2-4 Books Per Month

You can also make it at least one every two weeks, maybe one every week suggests Leslie. In a typical year, most people read four books; if you read six to twelve times as many, you will be six to twelve times ahead of everyone else.


Balancing Act

Besides her #1 Master Class on Work-Life Balance, she has also written a book called Balancing Act, which you can access on her website. It’s one of Amazon’s best-sellers as well. It will help you regain your balance in life when you read this thought-provoking, fast-paced read! Using her strategies, you will go from feeling overwhelmed to finding peace within yourself.


Get Up Early

When you wake up early, it shows that you have control over your life. The majority of mistakes, regrets, and bad decisions are made after 10 p.m. Go to bed early to make better decisions in the morning, leading to a better life and getting out of “average.”


Money is Not a Bad Thing


A lot of people say that money isn’t everything, that money does not make you happy, and that money corrupts you. These are all sayings of people who have never had any money. How can they know? Leslie believes that being rich can make you a lot happier than being poor, because money alone doesn’t create happiness, but it certainly isn’t what corrupts people. When we have money, we can do whatever we want, so stop thinking of money as this evil thing and actually make it your duty to have it! In order to provide yourself and your family with the best life possible, you must be able to earn money. It is your responsibility. Put your money to good use by doing good deeds and investing it in noble causes. Invest in noble causes and be ethical, but be wealthy!


Final Thoughts

Though it is your decision to choose your own path, the truth is that life is way too short to miss out on all the wonderful moments that can be brought forth when a person’s potential is fulfilled. According to Leslie, your potential can only be unleashed if you stop settling for less than you know you deserve. If you continue to settle, you are wasting precious time. In settling for a mediocre existence, you begin a life filled with regret, resentment, and anger. The journey of life should involve continuous self-discovery and progress towards your goals, all while maintaining a balance between work and life. To keep the flame burning inside of you, you need dreams and goals. If you are experiencing uncertainty and problems right now, know that it doesn’t always have to be like this. Regardless of your age or how difficult your life has been so far, you can become much more than you are now. Keep in mind that where you begin is not important, but that you begin!




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