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Laurie’s Bestselling ‘Leading with GRIT’ Unveils Key Leadership Values for Success

Laurie is the bestselling author of “Leading with GRIT – Inspiring Action and Accountability with Generosity, Respect, Integrity, and Truth,” endorsed by Don Miguel Ruiz (The Four Agreements) and Ken Blanchard (The One Minute Manager).

Laurie created the G.R.I.T. formula to lessen the collateral damage that grit alone frequently causes. She has over two decades of executive coaching, leadership training, and, most importantly, real-life business and personal experience.

Laurie believes that anyone can stand up and be a leader, and she is on a mission to improve lives through her business, Unlimited Coaching Solutions. 

For more details, visit the website here.

Here we sit down with Laurie to learn a bit more about her journey as an entrepreneur.

Q. Let’s start with your entrepreneurial journey – how did you get started? What inspired you?

Laurie: I didn’t dream about owning a business, all I really wanted was security and a good income. I worked for a company for almost 15 years, and I felt constrained within the confines of the corporate world. Ultimately, that’s what motivated me to start my training business. It was spurred by a desire to make a more positive impact on people’s lives. We survived the dot com bust, the 9/11 repercussions, the 2008 recession, and the Covid shutdowns and the experiences have been incredible.

Q. What entrepreneurial tricks have you discovered to keep you focused and productive?

Laurie: My best trick has been to create and follow High-Value Activities (HVAs). These help me minimize the time I spend planning, scheduling, tracking, and analyzing and optimize the way I spend each day.

Image credit: Rinat Halon Photography

Q. How do you stay organized with such a busy schedule?

Laurie: Organization is very important for me as I like to stay flexible and not too rigid. I align my top 3 priorities to my High-Value Activities (HVAs) for the year, month, week, and day. I schedule them in my calendar and revise them as required. I find it very effective!

Q. What would you change if you had a magic wand to do it?

Laurie: While making an impact on people’s lives, the one thing I would like to see changed is the elimination of destructive greed leading to wars and other forms of harm to innocent people.

Q. If you were to write a book about yourself, what would you name it?

Laurie: I would name it “From Rebel to Rouser!”

Q. What motivates you?

Laurie: I’m mostly motivated by a sense of purpose – helping change lives through leadership, and on a day-to-day basis, enjoying organic coffee in nature, and listening to Tom Petty songs uplift me.

Q. What is one of the most worthwhile investments you’ve ever made?

Laurie: One of the most worthwhile investments I’ve ever made was taking time to work on ‘me’. Attending various motivational and self-help retreats and ensuring a healthy lifestyle are examples of that.

Q. What key activities would you recommend entrepreneurs invest their time in?

Laurie: Invest your time in becoming the best version of yourself. You are the foundation of everything in your life and business. When you work on yourself, it impacts all areas of your life positively.

Q. What is your ‘one-sentence’ piece of advice you’d like to give to someone who wants to become an entrepreneur, coach, or business owner?

Laurie: You owe it to the World – go for it – and enjoy the journey!

To keep up to date with Laurie and her journey, connect with her on LinkedIn.

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