Join Tana Newberry’s Elite Circle of Psychic CEOs: Where Spirituality Meets Luxury Branding

Tana Newberry is an International Psychic & Luxury Psychic Business Mentor with nearly two decades of experience conducting more than 10,000 paid reading sessions for clients across the globe.

Tana leads the world’s only Agency and Mentorship that guides established Psychic Entrepreneurs to transform into luxury brands with high-performing sold-out offers, so Tana can become 6 Figure+ Psychic CEOs with unmatched industry authority.

For more details, visit their website here.

Here we sit down with Tana, to know a bit more about her journey as an entrepreneur.

Q: Tell us a little more about your journey as an entrepreneur – how did you get started? What inspired you?

Tana: My journey began in 2002 during a turbulent time marked by heartbreak and addiction. It took a near-death experience to shift my trajectory, where the voice of my great-grandmother guided me back to life. This pivotal moment unveiled my true psychic abilities, propelling me toward sobriety and self-discovery.

Now, clean and sober since 2005, I’ve delved deep into understanding my psychic gifts, uncovering premonitions and communication with the “other side.” Intrigued by the notion of using my intuition to help people, I embarked on a path to become a professional psychic reader.

For the past 18 years, I’ve grown a wildly successful psychic business that has been more than just personally fulfilling. I’ve touched tens of thousands of lives through my services, teaching, and immersive event experiences. I’ve always been sales savvy, believing wholeheartedly that a passion for serving is a passion for selling. I learned everything I could about what makes a business rise to the top. It’s just something I get, and it’s something I love!

I attribute my success to innovation. I couldn’t find brand and marketing examples or leaders in my industry, so I merged modern-day marketing with psychic business to create something no one else is doing. I remain the only pioneer who’s bridging the gap for psychics so they can experience having thriving businesses like in any other industry.

Today, my mission extends beyond personal success. I’m on a mission to partner with 100 intuitives and psychic CEOs, aiming to multiply their six-figure businesses and make a significant societal impact by 2025. This includes providing drug rehabilitation access to 12,000 homeless, 36,000 nights of safe shelter for homeless children, and aiding 60,000 children from sex trafficking to be closer to home.

I believe that doing this work and helping the people I help is the reason my spirit decided to live that day. I know that “heaven” helped me to know and fulfill this mission. I never lose touch and sight of that.

Q: What entrepreneurial tricks have you discovered to keep you focused and productive in your day-to-day busy schedule?

Tana: My powerful trick to keep me focused and productive is maintaining a crystal-clear vision for the highest version of myself, my business, and my clients. It helps that I’m psychic! It’s not just a vision. It’s a solid prediction (that’s my psychic specialty). This vision acts as the North Star, guiding every move and infusing purpose into each task, design, and mentoring session. It’s not a mere mental construct; it’s an authentic connection to the future that transcends effort, operating both consciously and subconsciously.

This “vision” or “prediction” is the beating heart of my daily operations, influencing decisions and actions with an unwavering commitment to making a profound impact. Every task, no matter how seemingly mundane, becomes a thread woven into the larger tapestry of my purpose.

This connection is nurtured with quality time and intimacy. I do this through daily meditations, future-self and higher-self work, and simply spending time exploring my desires. I slow down, I give this room. I take the TIME. It’s like I have a bank account. The time I spend with my vision puts energy in so that I can tap in and use it when I complete my daily tasks.

What might seem like a routine task on the surface is, at its core, a manifestation of this vision—a prediction that extends beyond the boundaries of my business to touch the lives of my clients and contribute to positive change in the world. This makes any action an intentional action.

As I move through my day-to-day, this approach allows me to navigate challenges with resilience, maintain focus amidst the noise, and sustain productivity by anchoring every action to a purpose larger than the immediate task at hand. In essence, it’s not just a trick; it’s a conscious choice to operate from a space of profound vision and impact.

Q: How do you stay organized with such a busy schedule? What are some time management strategies, SOPS (standard operating procedures), hires or hacks that have helped you dramatically in business

Tana: I stay organized by batching my tasks. I have a difficult time focusing on too many things in one day. So, I schedule my week with “days for this” and “days for that.” I have bi weekly calls with my one contracted employee—my sales closer.

However, I’d like to share probably my most foundational strategy. It rests on the bedrock of clarity, structures, and systems—I dedicate a significant portion of my time (3 days a week) to learning and mastering these essentials. Having a well-thought-out plan provides the framework for success, guiding me through the majority of my endeavors and structures what I implement during my content creation days.

However, being a Psychic CEO means this—while I do meticulously plan down to the last intentional detail, I’m ready to toss it out the window in a heartbeat when Spirit nudges me in a different direction. If it’s go time, but the vibes are off, it’s out! Then, I do the next guided actions instead. This balanced dance between structure and psychic spontaneity is my secret sauce, and I affectionately refer to it as my “cheating strategy.”

In practice, about 80% of the time, my strategic planning proves invaluable, aligning seamlessly with the unfolding success of whatever I’m doing. Yet, the remaining 20% is where the magic happens—those moments when Spirit whispers, “Do this instead.” With a moment’s notice and not looking back, I release any attachment to my meticulously crafted plans and trust the higher guidance. It’s not a performance; it’s an authentic surrender to the cosmic flow, allowing me to navigate the twists and turns of my entrepreneurial journey with both precision and intuition.

Q: If you had a magic stick, which are the three things you would change in the world?

Tana: If I had the power to enact change in the world with a magic wand, my focus would be on tangible, transformative shifts that align with my life’s purpose. Firstly, I would wish for everyone to experience a moment of connection with the Divine—whether it’s labeled as heaven, God, or Spirit. 

This profound connection as beautifully expressed in the movie Contact when actor Jodie Foster, playing Ellie Arroway says, “I was given something wonderful, something that changed me forever… A vision… of the universe, that tells us, undeniably, how tiny, and insignificant and how… rare, and precious we all are! A vision that tells us that we belong to something that is greater than ourselves, that we are not, that none of us are alone! I wish… I… could share that… I wish, that everyone, if only for one… moment, could feel… that awe, and humility, and hope.” I know the person who wrote it knows what I know. There are many of us. I wish it were all of us.

Secondly, I aspire to create a lasting legacy of activated healers. My mission involves igniting the spark within those called to serve and facilitating the growth of a community of lightworkers. By empowering psychics to succeed and carry out their work from a place of abundance and support, I believe in the powerful ripple effect of positive change that extends far beyond individual readings. It’s a pay-it-forward approach that amplifies the impact of my first wish.

On a personal note, influenced by my own journey with drug addiction, my third wish is to ensure that all addicts receive the help they need to recover. Acknowledging the challenges of escaping the clutches of addiction, I wish to eliminate any notion of individuals being considered beyond redemption. My desire is to create a world where every addict, without exception, has access to the support and resources necessary for recovery, providing them with as many chances as needed. No one should be left behind in their journey to healing and reclaiming their lives. Sometimes, they need the above-mentioned the most.

Q: If you were to write a book about yourself, what would you name it?

Tana: “Divinely-Driven” A Psychic’s Journey from Intuition to Income and Impact.

Q: What motivates you?

Tana: Besides the other things I’ve talked about here, one of my biggest motivators is my desire to help my Psychic CEO peers heal with their relationship to money. Then, we can build a business and get to helping the world on a massive scale!

I’ve always held a deep understanding of the integrity involved in exchanging money for the valuable work I provide. Psychics play a crucial role in guiding people through life’s complexities, offering insights, and providing comfort during challenging times. It’s disheartening, however, to witness many of these gifted individuals undervaluing their expertise, often seen on social media platforms offering profound insights for a mere $5.

The trend of psychic readers undercharging stems from a fear within the community that associating financial gain with their spiritual gifts may compromise their perceived authenticity. This fear leads to a self-imposed glass ceiling, preventing many from fully embracing the abundance that their unique skills can bring. The result is a struggle to build sustainable businesses, hindered by a subconscious shame associated with making money.

It’s crucial for psychic entrepreneurs to recognize that financial success doesn’t diminish their spiritual calling; in fact, it empowers them to reach more people and make a more significant impact.

Many think using our spiritual gifts should be free, like it’s a gift from the universe. But I don’t see it that way. I see being a skilled psychic like being a top-level athlete – it takes time and effort. So, why not pay psychics for their hard work, just like athletes?

I’m often motivated by challenging the idea that making good money as a psychic goes against spiritual integrity. Instead, I boldly tell my psychic peers to accept financial success without feeling guilty. Changing how we think about money in the psychic world starts with recognizing the true value of our skills and understanding that financial well-being is totally okay with our spiritual beliefs. It’s about giving psychics the power to do well financially while staying true to their spiritual path.

Q: What is one of the best or most worthwhile investments you’ve ever made?

Tana: The most worthwhile investment I ever made was, hands down—Investing in a Luxury Coach to partner with me and my business.

In the psychic industry, profitability often gets constrained by the traditional model of exchanging time for money. This model leads many entrepreneurs to hit income plateaus, with earnings typically capping at around 100K per year. The existing paradigm becomes a barrier to financial growth, necessitating a revolutionary shift.

When I started incorporating Group Coaching Programs and 1-to-Many Offers, I nudged my income up, but it wasn’t the significant change I envisioned for my business.

Embracing a luxury business model was a game-changer for me. It wasn’t about slapping a hefty price tag on my offers. In my world, operating and teaching luxury business means I teach my clients to prioritize true luxuries. 

Doing less while offering more—for one. Having fewer clients allows for a deeper investment. It’s about crossing over the threshold with soulmate clients, making a substantial impact for the selected few rather than spreading thinly across many.

Clients care more about the results than the investment. Now, my focus is on delivering guaranteed outcomes. Luxury is quality over quantity. I’ve shifted from serving many with some good results—to offering exclusive, high-paying clients long-term, intimate access for profound transformations. I overdeliver for a select few, holding them completely. 

My team and I meet every need as their invested partner with our world-class experiences, personal leadership, and full support. Everyone in the space is fully activated.

In a luxury business with at least one 1-to-Many Offer, freedom reigns supreme. You enjoy a good night’s sleep, slow mornings, playtime, and cherished moments with friends and family. We get to prioritize self-care. We meditate, take long walks, relish in home-cooked meals, and catch colorful sunsets. We create businesses that align with our vision of abundance and joy, (and most importantly)… NOT at the expense of our clients— but with our client’s success at the forefront. It’s a win-win.

Simply put, Luxury in business is about having more than enough, always! It’s about creating a life and business of overflow, impact, and freedom—for ourselves and our clients.

You can say it starts with an identity shift. You must elevate not only your personal identity but also the essence of your business, setting a higher standard.

This shift reflects in how you show up, on the highest timeline for both your life and business. Luxe Psychic CEOs are visionaries and trailblazers. They disrupt the old narrative that giving should be separate from receiving. They reach new heights, creating a wealth of both income and impact. They embrace wealth, knowing that “the new lightworker is wealthy.” They take their energy exchanges to the highest level, creating not just income but also a profound impact.

Luxe Psychic CEOs stand in a category of one, unrivaled in the industry. Working with them feels on a level of its own. They have differentiated themselves from the crowd with their 5-star experiences and premium results. Breakthroughs are not only expected but delivered. Luxe Psychic CEOs have busted through the 6-figure income ceiling. Now, they’re on the path to multiple 6 figures and 7 figures.

Their psychic business has transformed into an empire, a massive force for good. 

This transition to luxury not only created my world-class offers and experiences but also fosters abundance, freedom, and a transformative mindset shift for my clients. Massive, high-level leadership is now my own new identity.

Working with a Luxury Coach who activates me beyond what was ever possible before, I’m sharing what I learn with my clients. Operating our businesses from a place of overflow became a guiding principle, allowing us to make impactful contributions to causes aligned with our vision for positive change in the world. As our cups overflow, we can give more freely, creating a ripple effect that contributes to a more positive and enlightened world. Abundantly supported, we invest in causes that make the world the one we want to live in. That’s what myself and my clients are called to do at the core.

The Luxury Coach investment served as the catalyst for this transformative journey, enabling me to redefine success and amplify the influence of my psychic business.

Q: What key activities would you recommend entrepreneurs to invest their time in?

Tana: When it comes to advising fellow entrepreneurs on key activities to invest their time in, I would strongly emphasize the incredible power of giving back. Beyond routine tasks and even “dream career-building activities,” contributing to causes, big or small, carries an unparalleled energy that significantly elevates our frequency, subsequently propelling our businesses to new heights.

Giving back grounds the overflow of success and infuses a higher purpose. The energy generated through giving creates a positive feedback loop, fostering a high-frequency environment that can have a profound impact on the trajectory of our ventures.

Whether it’s actively participating in impactful contributions or forming partnerships with causes through platforms like B1G1, which I learned of from my Luxury Business Coach, Samantha J Brunskill—the act of giving back becomes a catalyst for personal and business growth.

This approach aligns with the philosophy of a luxury brand, where surplus, overflow, and giving become integral to creating lasting success and contributing meaningfully to the global community.

So, fellow entrepreneurs, prioritize the activity of giving back—it’s a game-changer that can truly up-level your frequency and propel your business like no other.

Q: What is your ‘one-sentence’ piece of advice you’d like to give to someone who wants to become an entrepreneur, coach or business owner?

Tana: Embrace your vision and think beyond income ceilings; remembering that at the heart of your success and your impact lies letting your intuition and purpose guide you.

To keep up to date with Tana and her journey, connect with her on Facebook, and Instagram.

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