How To Sell As An Introvert With Sales Ethos Founder, Ben Lai

Ben Lai -Sales Ethos

Selling can be a pretty intimidating prospect, especially for introverts. Intimidating doesn’t mean impossible, however. Successful sales are vital for any business to succeed, and introverts may actually be better suited to sealing the deal than their extroverted counterparts. Sales Ethos founder and trainer, Ben Lai, is one such individual that has used his introvert strengths to his advantage.  


“I am a natural introvert with a side of people-pleaser,” says Ben. “Yet, I was able to transition successfully from nursing into not just a sales role, but training individuals and organisations in the art of selling.”


Both introverts and extroverts have strengths and weaknesses when it comes to sales. Below, Ben outlines how introverts can use their personalities to create successful sales.


Tip #1: Use your listening superpower


Whilst extroverts excel at speaking, introverts are great at asking good questions and actively listening to answers they receive.  Active listening is incredibly important when it comes to sales, because so many salespeople listen only with the intent to reply, not to understand.


Once you truly understand your prospect, you better understand their problems, which allows you to present them with more relevant solutions.  Actively listening to your prospect also builds more trust between you, as the client feels listened to and understood, as opposed to being sold to.



Tip #2: Lead your clients


On the flipside, introverts tend to be less assertive, which can come across as having a lack of credibility. Whilst this comes easily to extroverts, introverts may need a little mindset shift to overcome this barrier. Understanding that it’s in your prospect’s best interest for you to lead them can help overcome the hesitation to be assertive.


Being assertive is different to being aggressive. By embodying the mindset of putting a prospect’s needs first, rather than a sale, introverts find it easier to be assertive in leading the client to their proposed solution.


It’s really important for introverts to be assertive in the knowledge they are providing. If they aren’t, someone who may have an inferior service, but stronger communication skills, will outsell them every time.


Tip #3: Communicate your value clearly


Communication isn’t something that may come naturally to introverts, but as with all things, practice makes perfect. One way in which introverts can improve communication with their prospects is to work on their presentation skills to communicate their value more convincingly.


Rather than solely relying on yourself to communicate your product or service, use aids such as case studies and success stories that objectively explain how your past clients have benefited from working with you. Then, paint a picture of what it would be like for your prospect to work with you, and outline the process so the value is fully communicated to them.


Whether extrovert or introvert, using Ben’s above tips will do wonders for your sales strategy. To learn more from Ben, or to work with him and the Sales Ethos team, visit their YouTube Channel or book a complimentary consultation here.


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