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How to Get Confident Selling High-Ticket

This is for all of you entrepreneurs that have a dream. Entrepreneurship is the most incredible, fun, and fulfilling path. However, it isn’t all sunshine and roses, it is incredibly hard at times. Selling high-ticket will shed light on our deepest insecurities such as confidence, self-doubt and self-sabotaging patterns. If it were all about the strategy, everyone would be successful at high ticket sales. But the reality is, it’s not. High-ticket sales are 80% mindset and 20% tactics.

Entrepreneur and business coach, Isabella Sanchez, tells us: “The difference between those who consistently make high-ticket sales and those who don’t is not only experience or skill but their ability to operate from a belief system that serves them to take action.”

I know how imposter syndrome, perfectionism, and other self-sabotaging patterns can hinder the process of making sales. I was experiencing this for so many years. That’s why I am so passionate about helping clients identify and re-write their limiting beliefs around high-ticket sales so that they can implement the strategy and see real results within their businesses. Even if you feel like your mindset is good to go, you’d be surprised by the beliefs and programming that holds you back.”

Sanchez tells us her top three powerful mindset shifts that you can make to start attracting incredible high-ticket clients.


You might struggle with the idea that charging high-ticket prices for your coaching is selfish or you may feel like you’re not worthy. Maybe you’ve been told that if you really want to help people, you can’t charge high prices. You must understand that you’re not charging what YOU are worth. You can’t put a price on your worth, because your worth is infinite and never changes. You charge what the transformation is worth. The sale will easily happen when the perceived value of transformation is greater than the price”.


The reason why you might feel icky about receiving a high amount of money for your services is that you’re not sure you can deliver the transformation you’re promising and you’re definitely not alone. Because you care about others and have so much integrity, you don’t want unhappy clients asking for refunds feeling taken advantage of, a damaged reputation, and letting people down. I get that, but can you see how your brain associates high-ticket sales with pain? It’s time to break this cycle.When you structure your offer with the client’s journey/transformation in mind, providing results will be no problem, THAT will be your new focus.


Have you ever had someone tell you your program is “too expensive”? If you have that experience it might have triggered feelings of unworthiness: “am I even qualified to do this? Who do I think I am to even think about charging this?” This can trigger our most painful limiting beliefs. This is your chance to separate your self-worth from the external situations in your business. You cannot control how other people perceive you or your prices but remember that your offer will always be too expensive for someone who isn’t your perfect fit. Your job is not to convince. It’s to show up for the people who want your help.

Do you feel more confident already? 

Be sure to check out Sanchez’s personal branding masterclass which will help you to build a magnetic and cash generating personal brand. 


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