How This Audio Streaming Service Has Pioneered in the Kids Podcast Space

Among the various entertainment platforms, streaming services have become the dominant force in shaping popular trends, culture and concepts. In 2022, we’ve seen the power of podcasts and audiobooks really shift the way we digest media. Specifically, with the art of storytelling. Allowing us to be more productive, engage our brains while our hands and bodies are busy, and add entertainment to otherwise dull tasks as we go about our day. Leveraging this tactic of screen-free engagement is a vital way to educate and inform our children. Audio

Pinna is the first (and only!) ad-free audio streaming service engineered specifically for kids that provides voice-activated interactive stories for the whole family to experience together. Not only are audiobooks and podcasts a great teaching tool for kids, but they also serve to keep your child entertained, whether they be at the beach, in a car, or at home! 

 Audio entertainment is the future of learning! Below, we’re going to discuss why!

Be Part of the Story with Pinna’s Immersive Audio Experience!

Through voice-activated interactive storytelling, Pinna has put the power in the hands of the listeners. With this immersive experience, kids can feel like they are truly part of the story and parents can help their children build a healthy relationship with technology while limiting time spent in front of a screen!

Have you heard of choosing your own ending to a podcast? With Pinna, kids can decide what happens next and, ultimately, the outcome of the story by answering strategic questions throughout the podcast. Amy Kraft, Senior Director of Development and Children’s Programming, shares that “providing children with the opportunity to take control of the story, gives room for creativity. Strategic questions are designed to enhance the audiobook experience with questions that lead to deeper thoughts and problem-solving actions.” Audio

Pinna is the first to utilize this interactive, innovative technology in their recently launched Escape podcast series that includes 3 different stories with multiple episodes: Escape the Haunted House, Escape the Sinking Ship, and Escape the Marshmallow Dream Forest. These enchanting, voice-activated stories are an immersive experience, as each episode consists of answering “Yes” or “No” to determine what happens next in the story. BE WARNED!! If you don’t manage to escape in the time allotted, you’ll be trapped there forever! 

Audiobooks and podcasts are the new favorite learning tools for kids and make reading much more fun! Audio

Gain Independence Through Immersive Learning

Teaching children the concept of being independent can be difficult, as kids rely heavily on their parents for even the simplest of things. Are you finding yourself too stressed with your little one to take a shower? Is your child constantly interrupting you when all you need is a moment of silence? Independent playtime for your child is important because it encourages creativity and self-reliance. These skills help kids learn how to entertain themselves and give their parents a break to relax for themselves.  Audio

It’s time for parents to have some YOU time! With Pinna, your child can keep busy listening to and engaging in interactive stories in a screen-free way. Pinna has hundreds of hours of programming to pique the interest of every kid! Join in on the fun and stay up to date with new audio stories for your kid!

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