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How One Silicon Valley Exec ReLaunched Her Love Life

Silicon Valley

I’ve long been known as one of Silicon Valley’s pioneering female powerhouses I’ve been one of Oracle’s top account managers, was founder/CEO of my own Dotcom, was featured on ABC’s “Secret Millionaire,” and am the creator of my own elite executive and entrepreneur coaching program. It’s been a career to be proud of!

Yet, despite these successes, pre-2015, one thing had still eluded me: romance. 

After an unexpected divorce and years of being in and out of relationships, I realized something needed to change. I was ready to try something new. 

Little did I know that this “something new” had been in my skill set the entire time!

My name is Hilary DeCesare I’m a Business Coach, Silicon Valley Serial Entrepreneur, CEO of The ReLaunch Company, and author of the new book RELAUNCH!: Spark Your Heart to Ignite Your Life.

One day it struck me I’m a successful CEO and doing things in my dating life that I would never do in the business world. I even continued to date a guy I would’ve never kept on as an employee! I decided to begin managing my love life like it was its own business — like I’m the CEO of my love company! Thus began a journey in which I relaunched my love life by thinking like an entrepreneur, resulting in me romantically, passionately, and magically finding my soulmate!

And yes, this is an absolutely true story!

And yes, this can happen in your life by following this same business plan… ahem, these same techniques! 

1. Did Some (Personal) ReBranding: In business, you have to make sure your branding matches your end goal. As my Love CEO, I did an honest self-assessment: Where did I want my brand — Hilary — to be going? And, was I currently being that woman?

2. Named the Non-Negotiables: Sometimes there’s room to compromise when beginning a business partnership, but other times a CEO needs to stick to her guns! I wrote down three traits my husband absolutely needed to have — the must-haves, the non-negotiables: 

I then wrote down three red flags I would not compromise on:

3. Hit Key Performance Indicators: Every company needs to hit KPIs or key performance indicators; in other words, if I want to sell X amount of products, I need to make X amount of sales calls a week! As my Love CEO, I decided that if I wanted to increase my chances of meeting my husband, I would need to go out on X amount of dates a week, instead of listening to the common excuses of the past: “I’m too tired” or “I’m too worn out.”

4. Diversified My (Dating) Portfolio: As CEO, you would never invest all your company’s money, resources, or sales into one fund, market, or client instead, you diversify! As my Love CEO, I decided not to limit myself, to engage every piece of the dating pie that I could find, and to leverage partnerships: Along with traditional avenues, I also let my friends know that I was back out there, I hired a matchmaker, and… I finally met my match! 

When I walked into the room on our first date, he stood up, and my heart just melted… I had found him!

Today, my career is still firing on all cylinders. The only difference is that I now have the added bonus of being more in love with my husband Erich than ever. He is the sweetest, most wonderful man I’ve ever met, and I’m so overjoyed to share my life with him.

And to think, the “magical formula” the whole time was simply a well-executed business plan!

The Emotional Intelligence Needed to Succeed at Day Trading(Opens in a new browser tab)

About Hilary: Hilary DeCesare is an Award-Winning Entrepreneur & Reality Show “Secret Millionaire” helping women turn typical life transitions into transformation. DeCesare’s new book, “RELAUNCH! Spark Your Heart to Ignite Your Life” details her proprietary 3HQ™ method so women combine their head, heart, and higher self to create new brain patterns that shed limiting beliefs. Visit: TheReLaunchCo.com.

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