Freeing Rapunzel: Anne Witzgall On How Trans-Generational Trauma Can Be Holding You Back From Living Your Best Life

Our journey through life is often full of challenges, from the things we experience as children and never get to fully process, or mental/emotional damage accumulating from our battles into adulthood. These kinds of injuries can fester and hamper our progress to living in true alignment with ourselves by manifesting themselves in fear-based self-limiting beliefs and behaviours and self-defence mechanisms that can stifle our personal development.It’s important to address these issues so that we can heal, liberating ourselves to harness our full potential. How would you even start unpacking all of it though, especially if your trauma comes from some deep-seated childhood issues? Having a professional with expertise in increasing self-awareness, changing habits and building resilience, guiding you on your journey is a surefire way to succeed in breaking down the walls holding you back and opening up a pathway to your best life. Anne-Christine Witzgall is a Board Certified Coach and Life Coach Specialist, and helps others to discover their purpose through her endeavours.

Along Anne’s journey, she co-founded the Goethe International Charter School, an education institution focused on creating a rich, multilingual education environment that advances students’ knowledge, critical thinking and personal development.

Her deep desire to guide, assist and serve people continued to push Anne forward, seamlessly transitioning into personal development mentorship and life coaching for people seeking to overcome their personal traumas and unlock the keys to the life of their dreams.

Growing up in West Berlin, Germany 5 years after the wall that separated East and West Germany was erected, Anne would later realize through her studies of Psychology and Sociology that the abuse she endured in her family was an echo of the abuse the world suffered through when it was inflicted by the nation of Germany at the time. Anne dedicated herself to studying her country’s history and intergenerational trauma so that she could contribute to building a world where people can overcome the doubt and trauma holding them back, and live their dreams. “Trauma is when a part of ourselves is frozen, and our movement is reduced. Healing means that we restore that original movement and open ourselves to a deeper life” noted Anne.

Serving others has also been a part of Anne’s own healing process. Her studies of personal development came from a desire to also heal herself, and along that pathway of healing, Anne began writing a book. Her memoir; ‘FREEING RAPUNZEL’ centers on how Anne escaped the shadows of her family’s Nazi past during the cold war era in West Berlin, Germany. FREEING RAPUNZEL shines a light on the effect that trans-generational trauma has on the next generation, and how the horrific events of Germany’s history gave rise to the type of extremism that can inflict trans-generational trauma.

Writing her book has been a cathartic experience for Anne, allowing her to process her experiences in a way she never originally thought possible, find peace with her past, and focus on moving forward. “The inspiration for writing my memoir stems from the moment when my sister showed me my father’s two war medals that she had found under the attic of my parents’ house.” Anne explains. “I wanted to find out more of my father’s past to be able to heal. Additionally it was a very intense time growing up in West Berlin surrounded by the wall, and writing about it has definitely helped me heal from those experiences.”

Anne’s memoir FREEING RAPUNZEL launches worldwide on Jan 27 2022, to secure your copy click here. Anne had also an interview over Facebook that you can watch here

If you’re ready to stop being held back, connect with Anne-Christine Witzgall through her website, or her Facebook, and LinkedIn social media pages for more advice on how you can reveal the way to achieving your dreams.

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