Exclusive With Wellness Brand Designer, Marion Tan Of Hearten + Hone

Meet branding expert, Marion Tan. Founder of wellness branding studio, Hearten + Hone, Marion offers brand strategy, identity design, and website design services for entrepreneurs in the health & wellness space. Below we sat down with Marion, to learn a bit more about her journey as a female entrepreneur.

Q. What inspired you to become an entrepreneur?

Marion: I’ve done freelance creative work for smaller businesses ever since I was in college but I’ve always just thought of it as a side hustle. After working in corporate marketing and advertising, I was able to compare the difference between working for someone you couldn’t put a face to versus working with ​​startup founders & entrepreneurs where you could really feel their spirit light up as they share their vision.

This made me realise that I wanted to work with brands that moved people, brands that made a significant difference, and brands that were made for good. And that’s how the studio was born – I wanted to help wholehearted, mission-led founders build brands that can step into a position where they can lead, influence, and change culture for the better.

Q. What’s your favourite part about what you do?

Marion: The creative collaboration for sure! I always get so giddy when my clients get excited about sharing their vision. It’s such a beautiful moment to witness someone dream about possibilities without restraint. Sometimes we would just brainstorm, collaborate, and build upon each other’s ideas until we lose track of time. Those are the moments I definitely live for!

Q. What’s one thing in your routine that you do consistently that has made a huge difference in your personal or business life?

Marion: Definitely doing yoga first thing in the morning! That deep moment of silence and stillness makes all the difference in how my entire day goes and has allowed me to go at a pace that’s manageable and productive, make better decisions, and just puts me in a good mood throughout. I try not to schedule anything urgent so I could have my slow mornings but on the rare occasion that that happens, I’d always squeeze in a yoga session in the middle of the day to sort of give me that ‘reset’.

Q. What’s the most challenging part about running an online business?

Marion: Giving myself grace when I need it the most is something that I struggle with the most, for sure! Being brought up in an environment where your productivity and results define your worth, I’ve been conditioned to always work long hours, always overdeliver, and always push yourself further and further. Honestly, it’s still something that I’m working on but I’m committed to making shifts in the way I work because I know that putting my well-being first is what will really serve my business and my clients.

Q. What has been your most satisfying moment in business?

Marion: I wouldn’t say there’s been one significant moment that I consider to be the most satisfying. But with the work that I do as a brand strategist and designer, there’s a part of the process where I hop on a call with them and every time walks them through their initial brand concept and design. And every time I hear them exclaim with excitement and pure joy, some of them even saying they’re speechless or that they’re about to tear up – that’s one of the main things that keep me going. It’s that moment when I realise that I’m doing something right by contributing something to make someone’s dream come true and helping them set out a ripple effect of transformation is just one of the most fulfilling things ever.

Q. In one sentence, what’s the best advice you’d give to someone just starting out on their entrepreneurial journey?

Marion: Whenever you’re struck by the fear of doing something ask yourself one thing: “do you trust yourself to be able to figure it out?” 

To keep up to date with Marion and her journey, connect with her on her Instagram or visit her website.

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