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Exclusive with Noah Kain, Founder of Noah Kain Consulting

Noah Kain has spent the past two years building his SEO Agency, Noah Kain Consulting. Prior to running his business, Noah was the Director of Marketing & Strategy at Duckpin.

With 9 years of experience in the agency space, Noah brings extensive knowledge that helps him build personalized strategies for his clients.

For more details, visit their website here.

Here we sit down with Noah, to know a bit more about his journey as an entrepreneur.

Q. Tell us a little more about your journey as an entrepreneur – how did you get started? What inspired you?

Noah: While I was still an employee I functioned as an “intrapreneur,” meaning I approached my work as if it was my business. That mindset was met with being trusted with additional responsibilities. I always wanted to run my own business, but I didn’t get the fire to make it happen until when the pandemic hit. I had hit a bit of a wall with what I could accomplish at the agency I was at, and with the shutdowns, I realized that job security wasn’t as real as it seemed and it was time to start betting on myself.

In addition to betting on myself, I wanted to be able to provide better for those around me as my parents aged and my family grew and I saw entrepreneurship as a way to position myself to do that.

Q. How do you market your business, and which tactics have been most successful?

Noah: Referrals and word of mouth have been the biggest sources of growing the business. Next to that, Twitter has been very helpful and I’ve dabbled with cold email and LinkedIn as well.

And, how can I forget, to do SEO for my own website, which has produced some leads as well.

Q. What has been your most satisfying moment in business, and why?

Noah: The most satisfying thing so far has been connecting with other digital agency owners. Mainly because I now have a network of individuals that are interested in solving similar problems and going through similar things as me.

Prior to running a business, I felt that I was a bit alone in my business-related thoughts. It turns out I just hadn’t found my people yet.

Q. Where do you see the future in your niche/industry 3-5 years from now?

Noah: I think link builders are going to have to improve the quality of the links they acquire. There will also be a push to leverage AI and ChatGPT for content production.

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I believe brands that are still able to produce their own content without the use of AI will stand out. That being said, AI will help with making teams more efficient, but I don’t expect full content pieces to serve much value.

Q. What is one of the best or most worthwhile investments you’ve ever made?

Noah: Any and all business coaching I’ve invested in. There are people that are further ahead of you in the game. You are paying for their expertise and past failures. It will save you months of headaches (if not years).

Q. Which social media platform are you most bull-ish on in 2023, and why?

Noah: YouTube. Video content is becoming more and more important and the ability to showcase your expertise on video will make anyone stand out much more than text on Twitter or LinkedIn.

Q. What business-related book has inspired you the most? Or, What is your favourite book?

Noah: It’s not really a business-related book, but Can’t Hurt Me by David Goggins. I read that book in January 2019 and it was so powerful it put me in therapy (lol.)

Had I not gone to therapy for two years, I don’t think I would have made the required mindset shifts to be able to run my business today.

Q. What is your ‘one-sentence’ piece of advice you’d like to give to someone who is just embarking on their entrepreneurial journey?

Noah: There’s someone half as smart as you that is making twice as much money as you.

To keep up to date with Noah and his journey, connect with him on Twitter and LinkedIn.

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