Exclusive with Natasha Baker, Founder of Bright Soul Healing

Natasha is a spiritual coach, an intuitive tarot reader, a Reiki Master, and a divine channel.

She also has an educational background in addictions counseling and trauma, as well as a B.A. My work centers around assisting the collective in processing trauma and unhealthy emotions, connecting with their spiritual guides, and creating a life of peace and abundance. Overall, she just wants to see her clients grow into their highest selves and reach success in every avenue.

For more details, visit their website here.

Here we sit down with Natasha, to know a bit more about her journey as a spiritual coach.

Q. Tell us a little more about your journey as an entrepreneur – how did you get started? What inspired you?

Natasha: I began my own journey in 2018, after a challenging divorce that forced me to look closely at my patterns and rebuild my life from the ground up. I began therapy but also dove into holistic methods of healing such as Reiki, chakra healing, the Emotion Code, and tarot cards. At first, I focused solely on self-healing, but the more layers of myself I uncovered, the more I realized that my life path had led me here for a reason. I launched my life coaching business in 2020, noting the need for mental health services increasing due to COVID-19, and since then have helped countless individuals process trauma and break unhealthy patterns in order to become their best selves.

Q. What’s one thing in your routine that you do consistently that has made a huge difference in your personal or business life?

Natasha: Waking up early and building a self-care routine into my day. I find that starting my day with some “me time” to drink tea, journal, pull tarot cards, or go for a walk outside with my dogs helps me to remain centered throughout the day, and the earlier I wake up, the more I can accomplish! We often get so busy taking care of everyone else in our lives that we forget, that change must start from within, and the better we feel, the more capable we are to give to others. I spent years putting the needs of others first, and shifting that focus to myself was a major game-changer.

Q. Who are your mentors and inspiration? and what knowledge or insight did they give to you that was valuable? 

Natasha: I have had many people enter my life in the past few years who have helped shape me into the coach I am today. Most notably, my own life coach, Taylor Tosczak, who taught me the ropes and prepared me to launch my coaching business, and my spiritual therapist Chelsie Skowyra. Chelsie was actually the first person to introduce me to the Emotion Code, which I am now completing my certification in so that I can become a practitioner. The support of these two women and several others throughout my healing journey has been integral for me in order to set my walls down and unpack my baggage in a safe space, and I aim to provide the same experience for all of my clients.

Q. What has been your most satisfying moment in business?

Natasha: I have been able to help so many people through my one-on-one work as well as my podcast, and while it’s been incredibly satisfying to receive recognition for that (I’ve been featured in several articles since I’ve launched my business, most notably Yahoo! Finance) I believe the best is yet to come — I am most excited to announce that this year I will be opening my very own healing studio! Clients will be able to experience what it is like to work with me in person, and I am already planning yoga classes, sound baths, pop-up events, and more. Stay tuned!

Q. How do Natasha market her business, and which tactics have been most successful?

Natasha: I do all of my own marketing, primarily through social media and my podcast. I actually designed my own business cards and flyers, as well as my website and any graphic content that I post to my social media. However, there is nothing like good old word of mouth to help build a business, and I’m grateful to the vast majority of my clients for always being willing to provide feedback! I find that it really helps to be as authentic as possible in all of these processes — people do gravitate towards that and can sense if you’re putting on a mask or not being honest with them. Being genuine and passionate about my work is recognized by my clients, which to me is the most successful aspect.

Q. What has been your biggest failures or challenges?

Natasha: I have found that the most challenging aspect of building a business from the ground up, when you are in the mental health line of work, is balancing your personal life along with focusing on your career. Most therapists, counselors, and coaches (i.e. empaths) choose this line of work because of things we’ve endured in our own lives that have led us down this path. As we evolve and heal, our business grows with us. The way I have been able to help my clients has grown exponentially as I continue my education and personal expansion, and therefore I don’t find anything I have done to be a failure, but simply a learning process.

Q. How did this failure, or apparent failure, set Natasha up for later success?

Natasha: Allow your rejections to be viewed as redirections! Sometimes things don’t work out, or need to fail in order to become refined. Success is rarely overnight, most people don’t see the number of failures that go into creating the finished product.

Q. If someone was to create a TV show about Natasha, what would it be about and what would it be called?

Natasha: I could see myself voicing an animated show in the style of ‘Daria,’ about a tarot reader who survives on caffeine and sarcasm. I tend to be very direct and to the point, while also still managing to find humor in everything!

To keep up to date with Natasha and her journey, connect with her on Instagram.

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