Exclusive with Angela N. Holton, Founder of Love Sanctuary

Photo Cred: Arianna Reid

Angela N. Holton is the Founder of Love Sanctuary, a spiritual and personal development portal, founded in 2014, centered on helping women create the life and love relationship they desire from the inside out.

She is also the creator of The Conscious Love & Dating Method, a revolutionary and spiritual approach toward dating and building healthier relationships in modern times. Since 2019, the CLDM & Angela’s approach toward dating and relationships has transformed the lives of women from around the world.

For more details, visit their website here.

Here we sit down with Angela, to know a bit more about her journey as a relationship coach.

Q. What inspired Angela to become an entrepreneur?

Angela: Becoming an entrepreneur was actually more of a calling than it was something I ever planned for. I stepped into entrepreneurship during a difficult time in my life and while overcoming my challenges, I learned valuable tools, along with my own life experiences and education, that I wanted to share these important lessons and strategies with other women. Through one of my greatest challenges, my purpose was born. Some of our greatest miracles come from our biggest upsets in life.

Q. How did Angela get started?

Angela: I created Love Sanctuary after a 13-year career selling real estate in New York City. It was fun and illustrious at times, but it wasn’t a heart-centered business and I knew there was more that I wanted to contribute to the world. My background was in Psychology with a Masters’s in Clinical Social Work. I wanted to get back to the work that I was passionate about, helping people. I wanted to make “some” sort of impact in the world, so I stepped away from real estate and I have never looked back. I became trained and certified as a Life Coach, started a blog, at the time called “Love Notes”, began promoting myself as a Coach, booked clients, started running groups and courses and the rest is history.

Photo Cred: Arianna Reid

Q. What was your biggest startup challenge? What steps did you take to overcome it? What did you learn?

Angela: Starting a business and even running one is a lot of hard work, commitment, and passion. It requires self-motivation and self-discipline, both of which are strengths of mine. However, everything else about operating a business can be very challenging. I think the most challenging part about starting a business, as well as keeping it going, is marketing and promoting. We live in times where marketing tactics are constantly evolving. Once you learn one tool to promote your business, another one is created. It’s challenging to keep up with all of the online and social media changes.

Q. What is the Most Memorable Thing Did Angela Done Since she Started her Business?

Angela: The most memorable thing I’ve done since starting my work was writing The Secret Method To Conscious Love Workbook Journal and creating a traveling workshop and book tour around it. I traveled to New York City, Oakland, Chicago, Denver, and Los Angeles and met amazing women from around the world. This was pre-pandemic and sadly, the tour had an abrupt end because of COVID. I hope to return one day to traveling and meeting people from all over and sharing my passion and tools with them.

Q. What is one book you recommend, and why?

Angela: The Bible! Regardless of our religion, if we read the Bible with an open mind, we’ll see that it’s filled with wonderful stories and allegories that teach us great wisdom in navigating through life’s challenges. If Christianity isn’t our religion, we can still use the parables as metaphors for our lives. I’m currently reading A Course of Miracles and it’s radically shifting my mindset and teaching me powerful tools to create more miracles in my life. Highly recommend both.

Q. In terms of legacy, what is the mark you’d like to leave on the world?

Angela: I’d like to leave this world one day hoping that I made a difference in the lives of humans, and in turn, helped heal the planet. I hope to help people heal their minds and their hearts and to create better and healthier relationships. I hope one-day people are reading my books and saying, “she really changed the landscape of love and relationships.”

Q. In one sentence, what’s the best advice you’d give to someone just starting out on their entrepreneurial journey?

Angela: No matter how hard it gets, DON’T give up. Don’t stop, keep going.

To keep up to date with Angela and her journey, connect with her on Instagram.

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