Exclusive Interview with High Performance Coach Tiffany Julie

Tiffany Julie is a leading High Performance Coach and 7+ Figure Entrepreneur. She is the CEO of Tiffany Julie Inc., a coaching and consulting company with a mission to help others achieve their highest potential by mastering every area of their life.

Through her High Performance Coaching programs Tiffany helps her clients create exponential results using mindset reprogramming techniques, high performance habits, wealth energetics, manifestation principles, & high-level business strategies. 

As a well-respected coach and entrepreneur, Tiffany has been featured in high-level media outlets such as Forbes, and Women In Business and featured as a Top Success Coach by Yahoo Finance.

For more details on Tiffany Julie or her High Performance Coaching programs visit their website here.

Here we sit down with Tiffany Julie, to get to know a bit more about her journey as an entrepreneur.

Q. Tell us a little more about your journey as an entrepreneur – how did you get started?

Tiffany Julie: Growing up, I watched my mom build her business as an entrepreneur, and it really left a mark on me. Seeing her run her own show lit a fire in me to do the same. For me, freedom is everything, and entrepreneurship has been the key to unlocking that freedom—freedom with my time and money and having location independence. I just love solving problems for people, and that’s pretty much what being an entrepreneur is all about. My superpower, if you will, is spotting inefficiencies in products or services and finding ways to make them better. 

It’s like a game to me, finding the gaps in the market and coming up with optimizations that blow the competition out of the water. Over the last decade, I’ve started numerous businesses from scratch, taking them from zero to multi-7-figures in some seriously competitive fields. And loved every minute of it. Now, I’ve turned that passion into high performance coaching, helping other entrepreneurs kickstart their own journeys to success. Helping them build high performing businesses that not only make bank but also give them the freedom to live life on their terms—it’s the best feeling in the world.

Q. What is the main focus you’re working on in business?

Tiffany Julie: So, here’s the scoop on what success looks like for us over at my coaching company in 2024: Our focus is to build and nurture an incredibly valuable online community for entrepreneurs. Our goal is to create a virtual hangout spot where our audience can come together, swap stories, get next level high performance coaching and training, and team up on innovative projects. Now, with AI shaking things up online, there’s gonna be a serious need for genuine human connection. That’s where our community comes in. 

Our goal is to create a space where entrepreneurs can really connect on a deeper level with each other. Because let’s face it, as AI algorithms get smarter and more involved in business processes, it’s real personal connections that will set businesses apart. That’s where the magic happens. 

Communities are powerful as they build loyalty, trust, and support for your customers and potential customers. They’re like the secret weapon for business owners to stay ahead of the game in an ever-changing AI-driven online landscape.

Image credits: Solo Mio Photography

Q. What keeps you motivated?

Tiffany Julie: What really drives me is discovering different strategies, tools, and processes that unlock human potential and then using those in my high performance coaching programs to help clients succeed. It’s like this fire inside me. I just love helping my clients and audience tap into their greatness, guiding them to be the absolute best versions of themselves and create lives and businesses they never even dreamed possible. 

There’s something so rewarding about supporting people to discover their own power and use it to chase their goals, whether it’s reaching financial freedom or building deep, meaningful relationships. And when I train clients to use the power of their minds to achieve what they once thought impossible, that’s when I feel like I’m really making a difference. Impact is everything to me, and when I can empower leaders, visionaries, and entrepreneurs to tackle big challenges and be the change they want to see, this is the type of motivation that keeps on giving. 

Helping clients break through their own limits and achieve incredible results is what keeps me going. At the end of the day, I walk the walk I preach and am inspired every day to show others what’s possible, to be a shining example of what they can accomplish, and to be the proof that I can make my dreams happen; they can too.

Tiffany Julie: So, let’s talk about this killer combo: “High Performance Habits” by Brendon Burchard and “Becoming Supernatural” by Dr. Joe Dispenza. Seriously, these two are like the ultimate power couple when it comes to leveling up both your life and business. Burchard’s book gives you actionable strategies and tools to enhance performance and reach the next level. 

And Dispenza dives deep into the energy game, showing you the energetic principles necessary for sustained success and quantum leaping to unrealistic results. Together, they provide a holistic understanding of success, blending strategic methodologies with energetic practices and by integrating both approaches, you can be sure to unlock your potential and become the master of your reality.

Q. What strategies do you use to optimize your performance or mindset?

Tiffany Julie: So, when it comes to leveling up my performance and getting my mindset in check, I’ve got a whole toolbox of tricks up my sleeve. These include practices like meditation, visualization, and biohacking, along with affirmations, journaling, and mental rehearsal. I integrate techniques from various disciplines, such as NLP, EFT tapping, and Reiki energy work, drawing insights from quantum physics and epigenetics. 

Additionally, I utilize therapies like EMDR and focus on nervous system regulation to enhance my performance. Cultivating high-performance habits, engaging in breathwork, and exploring mindset practices to reprogram my mind is also integral to my approach. I not only apply these techniques in my own life but also help my clients implement them through my high performance coaching programs. We track key performance indicators across mind, body, and spirit by documenting thoughts, actions, and emotions, and from there, we extract formulas for success and identify patterns to avoid, removing blocks and unconscious programming not serving progress. 

Through this continuous evolution and deep self-understanding, we eliminate the guesswork of transformation and become equipped with the internal systems to achieve goals repetitively. Because let’s face it, when you’ve got the right internal systems in place, there’s no stopping you from hitting your goals over and over again.

Q. If you were to write a book about yourself, what would you name it?

Tiffany Julie: The name of the book would be “Become Limitless.” It offers a transformative journey towards unleashing your fullest potential. This book is a roadmap for those who want to break free from self-imposed limitations and become the most powerful version of themselves. Through a blend of practical strategies, inspiring stories, and profound insights, “Become Limitless” guides readers on a quest for personal growth, self-discovery, and fulfillment. Providing a road map on how to create extraordinary results personally and professionally. From cultivating a resilient mindset to harnessing the power of intention and manifestation, each chapter equips readers with the tools and wisdom to overcome obstacles, expand perceptions, and live boldly. With actionable steps and thought-provoking exercises, this book empowers readers to embrace limitless possibilities and achieve their greatness.

Q. What is one of the best or most worthwhile investments you’ve ever made?

Tiffany Julie: One of the smartest investments I’ve ever made was bringing high performance coaches into my corner. It’s been a game-changer, honestly. I mean, having someone there to give me personalized guidance, keep me accountable, and help me really focus on what matters most—it’s been huge for my growth journey. 

They’ve not only taught me some incredible skills but have also been there to cheer me on and push me past those pesky obstacles that used to trip me up. And let me tell you, their outside perspective? Priceless. It’s like having someone there to give you that little nudge to step out of your comfort zone and really go for it. 

Thanks to them, I’ve seen major improvements in both my personal and professional life. I’m talking about boosted confidence, improved performance, and incredible energy levels. Plus, the stuff I’ve learned from them has stuck with me and continues to pay off in all areas of my life and business many years later. It’s like the gift that keeps on giving.

Image credits: Solo Mio Photography

Q. What do you see for the future of your industry?

Tiffany Julie: It’s pretty exciting to think about what’s in store for the coaching world over the next few years. I mean, we’re talking about an industry that’s already booming, and it’s only going to keep on growing. People nowadays want results—and they want them fast. That’s where coaching comes in. 

Whether it’s leveling up their careers, finding their groove in life, or creating the incredible results they’ve been dreaming of, folks are realizing that having a coach in their corner can make all the difference. It’s like having your own personal cheerleader and mentor. 

As more and more people start waking up to the idea that they can actually create a life they love, the demand for coaching is just gonna skyrocket. We’re talking about it becoming a must-have tool for everyone, and companies are gonna be jumping on board, too, investing in their employees’ growth like never before. So I believe the future of the coaching industry is looking bright. 

Q. What is your ‘one-sentence’ advice you’d like to give someone who wants to become an entrepreneur, coach, or business owner?

Tiffany Julie: My one-sentence advice is: prioritize your mindset and energy daily, as they constitute 70% of success, while strategy accounts for 30%. Remember that finding your passion, solving significant problems, and creating systems that leverage your time and energy are keys to enduring success on this exhilarating roller coaster journey of entrepreneurship.

To keep up to date with Tiffany Julie, or learn more about her High Performance Coaching programs head over to her website.

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