Evolving with the Driven Formula

A new movement for male empowerment has begun, spearheaded by the serial entrepreneur and Executive Performance Evolvement Coach Ian Lobas. Ian wants to help men to lead authentic, fulfilling and regret-free lives and has launched the Men On Purpose platform to enable high-performing men to translate their passion and success into the other aspects of their lives that are falling behind.

Empowering men through intentional structure, accountability and unrelenting support, Ian works with these men to create sustainable growth and purposeful transformation in their relationship with themselves, their spouses, children, careers and communities for generations. Based around Lobas’ 5 Purpose Pillars; Self, Spouse, Kids, Career and Community, Ian has tested and developed a Purpose-Driven Formula framework of training and exercises designed to help men understand their goals, and evolve into the best, most authentic and balanced version of themselves.

“We are opening up a world where men can realize that they matter and that they are important aside from what they do, make, produce, or provide.” explained Lobas. “We are changing the dynamic on how men think about their value to themselves, their families, their careers and the world, creating a world where men can be more than just their job title or paycheck.”

The Men of Purpose program involves Illuminating a man’s goals, and identifying his current setbacks. Then, Ian works by Eliminating the problem behaviors in their life holding them back, and Calibrating a new formula with actionable practices that work in line with their goals, and finally Acceleration, which happens naturally as the client integrates his learnings to muscle memory and finds the balance in his life. “This means no more burning the candle at both ends, no more having to ‘grind’ and struggle helplessly. It means you are aligned, in flow and loving life.” Ian noted.

Throughout Ian’s life, he experienced himself and witnessed the men around him who push hard to achieve career success, or to live up to society’s expectations of them but are personally suffering in the process. While building his own businesses, Ian realized that owning multiple successful businesses wasn’t worth the toll it was taking on his family, his love life and his freedom. After a long process of inner work and healing, freeing himself from the burdens he placed on his mind, his relationships and his lifestyle, Ian was able to see the thousands of other successful male figures around him going through the same struggles he did; excelling in one aspect of their life, but ultimately leading an imbalanced lifestyle that wasn’t sustainable.

Ian used all the knowledge and tools he had at his disposal to help those around him, which then further inspired him to develop a framework he could use to reach and impact others. Men On Purpose has grown into an Apple Top 1% podcast, growing community, Powerful Masterminds, Courses and Retreat that helps men to achieve amazing results in all areas of their lifves.

“The men who come to us understand the idea of ‘Your life grows to the extent that you do’. They know that the route they’re currently traveling down is unsustainable, and something needs to change in order for them to find fulfilling purpose and make lasting impact in their lives. We help them learn who they want to be, and what change is necessary to be that person and do the work that will radiate out into all aspects of their life”

Connect with Ian Lobas and the Men On Purpose team through their website, and check out their Facebook Group, Instagram, YouTube channel, and Podcast pages to learn more.

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