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Entrepreneurship: 3 Ways to Boost Your Business in 2023!


There are 582 million entrepreneurs on Earth. With that kind of competition, savvy entrepreneurs are always looking for ways to make their businesses (and themselves) better! 

My name is Hilary DeCesare — International Business Coach, Transformational Expert, and Founder/CEO of The ReLaunch Co. I’ve been blessed to be featured on ABC’s “Secret Millionaire,” as well as a coach some of the world’s brightest (and savviest) women entrepreneurs! Here are three ways I’ve been advising my clients to boost their businesses in 2023:

1) Curate Your Business’s Core: Personal trainers will tell you the importance of having strong core muscles, as they allow your body to function at its best. Now that I’m your business coach, I’ll tell you that the core of your business is similarly essential to its success! Therefore, you want to start strengthening, clarifying, and curating your business’s core to make it more focused, effective, and profitable. Here are two ways to do so:

2) Build Intergenerational Bridges: There are five different generations alive today (The Silent Generation, Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials, and Gen Z), so learning to bridge the communication gap between them and with them can help unify teams and close deals! Here are three proven strategies that will strengthen employee productivity and increase company profitability:

3) Uplevel Your CEO Energy: Your CEO energy will directly impact motivation, morale, productivity, and the success of your business! Here are two tips to help you become the CEO both you and your business deserve: 

Commit to BE the CEO Your Dreams Require: The world teaches us that when we have the business results we want, then we’ll act differently and, as a result, uplevel our identity to “High-Achieving CEO — they taught us the right things but in the wrong sequence! Instead, follow the “Be, Do, Have” principle, a scientifically-proven hack that will help expedite your dream results:

  1. The “Be, Do, Have” principle is simple — if you want to HAVE six-pack abs, for example, you need to DO some things differently (go to the gym, watch your diet). To do those things, you’ll need to BE someone different (someone who wakes up early to fit the gym in, someone who meal preps). 
  2. Most entrepreneurs rarely treat their businesses this way. They spend their days hoping for different results but not making any adjustments… namely, adjustments to BE the CEO your business dreams require.
  3. Ask yourself: If you want to hit 100K in sales this year, what do you need to DO differently? What actions do you need to take? And, to do those things, who do you need to BE in order to accomplish those actions? Once you commit to the “Be, Do, Have” principle, you’ll be well on your way to achieving those dream business results!

The 2-Minute “Tune In”: Every entrepreneur gets stuck from time to time, so it’s important to remember what Einstein said: “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it!’” Here’s a quick way to help get you unstuck:

  1. Ask yourself: What is not working for you right now? What is your biggest challenge, or what is your intention for something you are doing in your life?
  2. It’s time to Change the Channel. Take a few deep, calming breaths. Then, Tune In to a song that fires you up, one that literally elevates you when you hear it and allows you to change your state via “Changing the Channel.” Hear the music inside your head and let it flow through your body. This is tapping into your own energy state! When you hear that music inside you, you are accessing your higher self and elevating your vibrational energy level. This is the level where like attracts like, and possibilities happen!
  3. Now turn up the volume of your song and experience it. Let it spark you to shift your focus to what you really want regarding the challenge from Step One. Move through visualizing it; capture the emotions; allow your heart to feel the excitement of having it and knowing it’s already yours.
  4. Continue to Tune In, hear your song, and leverage the energy that you have been creating. Then, ask yourself what you can do right now as a first step to create momentum towards that goal. Don’t wait to react; this is the time to act!

Boost Your Business with These 5 Essential Customer Service Tips – Zishawn Qureshi(Opens in a new browser tab)

About Hilary: Hilary DeCesare is an International Business Coach, Transformational Expert, Founder/CEO of The ReLaunch Co, and Reality Show “Secret Millionaire” who helps women turn typical life transitions into transformation. DeCesare’s new book, “RELAUNCH! Spark Your Heart to Ignite Your Life” details her proprietary 3HQ™ method so women combine their head, heart, and higher self to create new brain patterns that shed limiting beliefs. Visit: TheReLaunchCo.com.

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