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Empowering the Pharma Industry: LSM Consulting’s 20-Year Journey Towards Excellence and Compliance

Liimu McGill has more than 20 years of experience consulting for the pharmaceutical industry and, for the past 12 years, has had the honor of building LSM Consulting to be one of the leading providers of training and documentation services for regulated environments within the pharmaceutical industry. 

Liimu advises biopharma and medical device companies to apply a holistic approach to achieving compliance by ensuring there is synergy between the applicable regulations and guidelines, the standard operating procedures (SOPs) that are in place to translate them to executable activities within the company, and the training employees receive to ensure they are well equipped to do their jobs.

She built LSM Consulting to give her clients the peace of mind that comes with knowing they’re empowered to do the right thing and help their employees be a part of a successful organization. 

For more details, visit their website here.

Today we sit down with Liimu to learn a bit more about her journey as an entrepreneur.

Q. How did you get started as an entrepreneur? What inspired you?

Liimu: I started my career as a consultant and chose to specialize in training due to my passion for performance (as a former actress and singer), computer software, and teaching. I remember having a conversation with my mother early on in my career, and she asked me to list all the things that were important to me in a career. I cited work/life balance, flexibility, strategy, collaboration, and feeling valued and appreciated while also feeling challenged and stretched. 

I wanted to travel, I wanted to work with smart people, but I also wanted the flexibility to sometimes just work head-down on my own projects. I consulted for a while but soon realized that the only way I could be sure to work for someone who shared my values and fully supported my dreams and goals would be to work for myself. When I started my business in 2008, it was still fairly hard for a woman to get promoted from within, especially a woman of color who didn’t hold multiple advanced degrees. I believed in myself and knew that by betting on myself and starting my own business, I’d have the best shot at success.

Q. What entrepreneurial tricks have you discovered to keep you focused and productive?

Liimu: First and foremost, I plan and project manage myself the way I do the projects I execute for my clients. I pull back to 30,000 feet to see what the overarching vision is for my day, week, or even year and then break it down into manageable chunks that have clear and measurable associated actions for me to complete within a certain timeframe. I hold myself accountable through my team, as well as other tools I’ve found helpful that alert me if I’m coming close to missing any of the milestones I’ve established.

That’s the practical answer. The deeper answer is that I have built a discipline around mindset and language. I am also an abundance mindset coach, and I help entrepreneurs and executives learn concrete tools that help them leverage the power of mindset to achieve seemingly impossible success in their careers. Through the use of a positive mindset and disciplined envisioning, I grew my business to a quarter million dollars in revenue within the first 6 months of opening my doors. And it flowed with ease.

Q. How do you stay organized with such a busy schedule? 

Liimu: Again, I apply the same principles to my own life that I employ when managing the projects I execute for my clients. I also remember that it’s just as important to prioritize work/life balance for me and my team because the more exhausted I am, the less efficient and sharp I am. 

When I was a new entrepreneur, I made the mistake of wasting tons of time sending e-mails or just keeping busy. As I got more experienced, I learned to work smarter rather than harder. I also learned the importance of hiring the right people for the right jobs because just because I CAN do something doesn’t mean I’m the best person to do it. Having a team that’s not only skilled but feels appreciated and valued is a huge part of my success.

Q. What would you change if you had a magic wand?

Liimu: First, leaders would lead with integrity, compassion, and kindness. Second, people would prioritize co-creation and faith in business (and by faith, I mean taking action without expecting a specific outcome, not any particular religious teaching). Finally, fear would be eradicated, and people would understand that we are all drawing from the same pool of energy; in other words, there is truly only one of us here. What I do to my sister, I do to myself.

Q. If you were to write a book about yourself, what would you name it?

Liimu: I already wrote a book, and it’s called “The Momstar Manifesto.” It chronicles my journey into entrepreneurship and is available through Amazon.

Q. What motivates you?

Liimu: My faith and my family.

Q. What is one of the best or most worthwhile investments you’ve ever made?

Liimu: Investing in myself when I first started my business and again when it was time to reinvent myself (which is a common part of being an entrepreneur – fail forward).

Q. What key activities would you recommend entrepreneurs to invest their time in?

Liimu: Whatever brings you joy, finding music that inspires and motivates you, spending time with people who you love and who see and bring out the best version of you.

Q. What is your ‘one-sentence’ piece of advice you’d like to give to someone who wants to become an entrepreneur, coach, or business owner?

Liimu: Dream big, the world is waiting.

To keep up to date with Liimu and her journey, connect with her on LinkedIn.

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