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Food is the Solution: Dr. Elizabeth Klodas and Step One Foods

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas believes we live in a world where it is hard to succeed. As a Cardiologist, she lacked free time and proclaims she “needed to start a health food company like [she] needed a hole in the head.” Dr. Klodas found herself without a choice. Living in a world of cheap, addictive food choices she sought to empower individuals to be better stewards of their own health. Step One Foods helps people “improve their health, not just their numbers.” In a medical space where the pill has become the solution, Dr. Klodas emphasized food and the most basic nutrition as an alternative.

Step One Foods is the solution to a problem no one was solving. Food is the problem, according to the consensus. Nutrition becomes an afterthought as food choices are scattered, inconsistent, and lack the nutritional value needed to make lifestyle choices for the betterment of health. Dr. Klodas posed a deep question, one without a viable answer Why is someone with high cholesterol prescribed a pill – and the follow up: why is no one getting to the root cause of the problem?

Dr. Klodas, Cardiologist, created Step One Foods as an opportunistic means of changing small behavior for big results. In a clinical trial, which no other food company has done, participants averaged a 9% decrease in bad cholesterol (LDL) over 30 days. Participants experienced decreases between 20 and 30%, though an average reduction of 9% LDL across the wider population would remove heart disease as the leading cause of death in the United States. This is a “comprehensive answer to a complex problem,” Dr. Klodas explains. Food changes behavior, improves health, and is a real path to health and wellness.

Medications reflect a mirage of health, not a solution. The mythical solution proposed by pill-prescribing physicians: add another pill. If that fails, add another, or introduce a new medication that is bound to succeed. This has become a routine trend, to the point one cannot blame the doctor influenced by pharmaceuticals driven by the dollar and the demand for pills, pills, and more pills.

Dr. Klodas saw this trend and had enough. She did not want to start a food company. She did not want to undergo an extensive and expensive clinical trial. Committed to her patient-centered focus, she realized that she had to change the system, or introduce food as an alternative to medication. Getting back to food as the source of nutrition should not be this hard, Dr. Klodas believes. She did not quit her practice, but balances a food company with her present career in cardiology. Now, she cares for her patients even more, but is taking a deeper look at the process of changing your nutritional patterns as an everyday consumer. 

The process is simple. During the clinical trials, participants replaced two of their normal meals with a Step One Foods choice, many of which are offered in the Starter Pack. That’s it. That’s the program. When replacing cereal with oatmeal or a retail nutrient bar with one offered by Step One Foods, the average LDL decreased by 9% for a standard person of average health. All other meals were as-is, normal. Participants did not change diet or exercise habits outside of the two substitutes per day. Food truly becomes the source of nutrition under Dr. Klodas’s plan, the first of its kind. As the FDA continues to approve marketing claims and products with unreasonable promises, Step One Foods is reducing cholesterol and motivating self-reflection. Food, not pills, becomes the answer to better health.

Following the interview, I received a sample pack of Step One Foods products. Preliminary results are beyond satisfactory. The food is not only tasty, but filling. Replacing traditional breakfast and lunchtime meals with products offered by Step One Foods has urged my craving later in the day, yet satisfied my hunger. There is personal confidence in this product based on my own experience, and based on honest review I simply feel better on the days I use Step One Food products, compared with the days I eat my normal (unhealthy) food. This is a real program by a real heart doctor with a genuine and honest vision for improving your health.

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