Australian Dads Toss Out the Bug Spray, Invent ‘BuzzPatch’

Michael Jankie and Gary Tramer knew their kids loved playing outside, but nearly every outing left the kiddos covered in bug bites – and they’d had enough. Sitting around the dinner table discussing the problem, they sat thinking of ways to stick it to the mosquitos that bugged their family so much. They watched as their kids rubbed citronella candles all over their clothes, and suddenly – a buzzworthy idea rubbed off on them. That’s when they realized – they literally could. And so came ‘The Natural Patch Co.’ – selling sticky smiley-faces filled with essential oils that repel those pesky ‘skeeters. Bug

“We came up with BuzzPatch because, as parents, we want the best for our kids. It was important to have a nontoxic solution,” said Jankie. “My six-year-old asked me what I do for a job. I said I sell stickers and she smiled and told me that she liked stickers.”  Bug

Knowing their product was now kid-approved; they took their new creations to the masses. It quickly caught on – selling thousands of BuzzPatch products worldwide. But prior to BuzzPatch, they’d built and run 6 technology companies. Jankie and Tramer say entrepreneurship simply runs in their blood.  Bug

“We’re both curious people who like to invent. We look at building a business like a game,” Tramer said. “Have you ever played a video game you can finish in one go? It’s boring, right? In our own business game, each day we have new obstacles to overcome. But we’re excited about building the business, even when bootstrapped without any external funding, but we find ways to keep pushing while keeping our own personal values close.” Bug

The pair knows entrepreneurialism isn’t easy and offers this advice for anyone considering taking that leap of faith on their own business idea – go for it.

“If you can identify your values and figure out a product or service you desperately need yourself – but don’t have, you’ve got something there. Mix that with your values, how you work/live and network with others like you. That was our recipe for success,” said Jankie. “I think entrepreneurialism is only getting easier. The tools, resources, examples, and speed at which you can start something has never been better.” Bug

Since The Natural Patch Co. was created, these dads have seen their success flourish as their business has grown globally with families buying up their products and taking them out to test them with Mother Nature. Parents call BuzzPatch and the MagicPatch (which provides itch relief to existing bites) fantastic and fabulous, amazing, easy-to-use, and fun – not to mention affordable, and worth every penny. 

And to think, it all started at the dinner table.

About The Natural Patch Co.:
The Natural Patch Co. uses the most effective and safe essential oil combination designed to confuse mosquitoes and hide your kids from their senses. Follow them on Instagram @naturalpatch.

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