An Unexpected Kitchen Gadget You Need to Celebrate the New Year

Raise your glass to an amazing upcoming New Year while enjoying a new way to open and preserve your wine.

Cork Genius is the smart way to open wine. No more broken corks, leaks, or spills to worry about any longer. It’s so much faster than a corkscrew. After all, you have better things to do, like enjoy that glass of wine!

Created by a team tired of the wine snobbery and ineffective tools available, they set out to determine how to design an easier method to open a bottle of wine. The result had them turning to science, blending chemistry and physics. The gadget used a needle to pierce the cork and injected air underneath, causing it to pop out easily and quickly in less than 5 seconds. Thus, Cork Genius was born! 

Fast, easy, and reliable, enjoy the following wine essentials at your next gathering and toast to science!

What problem does the Gadget solve?

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About Cork Genius:

Cork Genius is a non-corkscrew wine opener that uses a needle to pierce the cork and injects air under the cork causing it to pop out easily and quickly. Science Powered, Snobbery Free. Turn to the brand for a complete line of wine accessories. Follow them on Instagram @corkgenius.

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