AIMS LONDON 2023 Conference and Awards: Two Days Of Positivity At The Royal Kensington Town Hall – London, United Kingdom

A little over two weeks has passed since the AIMS 2023 Multicultural Symposium held by Alsaihati Intercultural Center at the Kensington Town Hall in West London.

Over 100 individuals from all walks of life gathered to discuss pressing issues and their experiences around Diversity & Inclusion and Sustainability. The event was attended by the likes of City of London’s Diversity & Inclusion team, Ernst & Young’s sustainability team and more.

This event did not have the typical corporate audience you see at events but was strategically and purposely held on the weekend of 20-21st May to attract individuals that are truly passionate towards this cause of educating society about different cultures and realization that we are all one and should not be judged by our race, origins, gender, disabilities etc but by our ability to contribute and undertake a role in society.

Investing their personal time, individuals presenting and contributing talked about their personal experiences in this space making it truly special and “real”.

The energy in the Council Chamber of the Kensington Town Hall was so positive across the two days that 2 weeks later the buzz and high is still truly felt when social media posts are being uploaded. This has left attendees excited to see what the London Intercultural Centers future events have to hold and next steps to spreading their message of global peace, inclusion and love across our world.

The London Intercultural Center is continually looking for other like minded individuals and companies to support their cause by word of mouth and you can stay up to date on upcoming events on their website

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