5 Amazing Health Coach Websites

Though evolutions in diet and exercise change frequently, the COVID-19 pandemic from last year has shown us that millions of people can still achieve their personal health goals from the safe confines of their own home, or even launch their own website to get started as a new health coach.

Whether you are looking to start your new career as a health coach to improve the quality of life for your clients and followers, or you are just looking to get inspired by a health coach to improve your own health and wellness, the idea of achieving your personal health goals or helping others achieve theirs is an exciting challenge to undertake. Though evolutions in diet and exercise change frequently, the COVID-19 pandemic from last year has shown us that millions of people can still achieve their personal health goals from the safe confines of their own home, or even launch their own website to get started as a new health coach.


Regardless, there is a stark difference between a health coach’s website that simply ‘looks nice’, and one that is effective in consistently converting visitors to clients. In this article, we are going to highlight the five most amazing health coach websites that do both. Keep reading to find out which ones we picked!

1. Alexandra Jamieson (https://alexandrajamieson.com/


Jamieson’s website uses a playful selection of colors that compliment the fluidity of her site’s layout. Upon clicking the site, visitors are immediately made aware of Jamieson’s seasoned expertise and outstanding credentials, including her 5 best-selling books and interviews with Oprah. Others may even recognize her headshot from the 2004 cult film “Super Size Me”, in which she acted as the health coach and wellness expert to director-actor Morgan Spurlock.


Jamieson’s creative use of color also draws the eye’s attention to the call-to-action (CTA) prompts on her homepage, which is delightfully complemented by empowering terms such as “Change-Maker” and “Rule-Breaker”.



Sometimes less truly is more, as highlighted by Carlile’s website. Her light, neutral tones and liberal use of empty white spaces grant a visual assistant to the website’s name and mission alike, and the website’s formatting allows for easy navigation and digestion of Carlile’s online content. Carlile’s website includes a mixed focus between her line of CBD-based products, her life as a mother, and her experience as a health coach.


The layout of Carlile’s website is one that could be used as inspiration for any number of brands, products, or services. It also includes dedicated sections on how visitors can become brand ambassadors or partners, or even follow in her footsteps as a health coach themselves.


Marlowe’s landing page starts with a series of pictures that showcase a variety of colorful, healthy foods that draw attention to the CTA boxes within them, followed by a soft introduction from Marlowe herself, her product line and reviews, as well as recipe examples, blog posts, podcast episodes, and more. Marlowe’s site also includes before-and-after pictures from real people who were able to improve their diet, health, and wellness through her coaching materials.


Whether you are visiting Marlowe’s site to join her program or become a health coach yourself, her website is exceptionally tailored to generate and retain user engagement.


Fink is the founder of Perfectionist Rehab and host of “The Glow Life” podcast. As a health coach, Fink’s focus is on assisting perfectionists, over-achievers, entrepreneurs, and other professionals go from burnout and crisis to balance and calm. Her website helps reaffirm this mission through its easy flow of readable content and collection of pictures that show Fink and others who have used her program in vibrant, outdoor scenes.


Fink’s website also uses a palette of light pastel colors, which helps accentuate her CTAs without feeling overbearing or demanding. Her credibility and expertise are highlighted by the dozens of written and video testimonials on her website.


Neale is a health coach who isn’t afraid to put her money where her mouth is. Upon visiting her website’s landing page, visitors are immediately greeted with several free offers: a free 3-day business coaching session, a free success roadmap, and a free 20-minute one-on-one chat with Neale herself. Her website is astutely designed to engage with visitors, which leads to continued engagement from her longtime clients and followers as showcased through her site’s testimonials.

With her tenure as a health coach, Neale’s overall mission is to empower, educate, and inspire others to reach the highest form of their true self in order to raise the collective consciousness of all humanity.

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