4 Reasons You Need a Spiritual Life Coach

Have you ever wondered if a spiritual life coach is the right decision for you? Many of us have felt lost at some point in our lives, but have been unsure about whether our situation deserves external help. This article reviews exactly why you need a spiritual life coach and how it can improve multiple aspects of your life.

Have you ever wondered if a spiritual life coach is the right decision for you? Many of us have felt lost at some point in our lives, but have been unsure about whether our situation deserves external help. This article reviews exactly why you need a spiritual life coach and how it can improve multiple aspects of your life.


The path to success is a lonely one. Waking up day after day and doing the grind as you try to fulfil your dreams can be incredibly isolating and may feel as though you are the only one in this boat. Most of us will have a few close confidants who we can turn to for advice and emotional support, but the reality is that none of our friends are actually equipped to offer the professional advice that we may need. 


Talking to friends and family about our problems definitely helps, but in the way that we wouldn’t expect them to be our personal therapist, we can’t expect them to be our qualified spiritual life coaches either. A spiritual life coach isn’t just someone who helps you make informed career decisions, but someone who helps you tap into your inner beliefs, behaviours, goals. They offer more than just black and white strategies, but help you to look inside yourself and connect with your basic human needs, wants and desires on a deeper level.


Below are four reasons why you need a spiritual life coach if you want to make this your year.


Help discover your purpose


It’s so easy to join the rat race and repeat the same routine for years without ever stopping to take a step back and ask yourself exactly what it is you want. So many factors will prevent us from being able to fully recognise our purpose – fear, trauma, lack of self-esteem, past failures. A spiritual life coach will help you to uncover the deep blockages that are preventing you from moving forward, and then assess what it is you really want.


Learn to let go of the uncontrollables


In both work and life, if we don’t keep a check on the thoughts and emotions that we allow to wreak havoc on our minds, this will quickly become hugely detrimental to us. We spend so much time worrying about the things we have no control over, when we should be spending this time investing energy into the controllables. Spiritual life coaching helps you reset that balance and allows you to spot the warning signs when your mind starts to trail off into the unhelpful thought patterns again. Mindfulness is a key teaching that many coaches will use to help you see your thoughts without judgement, and remind you that you simply hear your thoughts, but are not controlled by them. 

Staying grounded


Staying grounded means being aware in the present moment and using your heightened senses to stay calm and gain some perspective. People who are prone to anxiety and panic attacks are encouraged to practise methods that allow them to feel grounded. This can be done by tuning into your breathing, feeling the texture of your clothing or becoming heightened to the smells and sounds around you. Developing these skills helps improve our intellectual intelligence, and just like any other mental practice, requires training from spiritual life coaching experts. Becoming confident and comfortable with these methods will help you in various facets of your life.

Find inner happiness

All of the above will help contribute to the ultimate goal for the human race: inner happiness. We don’t all necessarily need the help of a licensed therapist, but we do sometimes need to share the burdens of everyday life with an expert who can help us unpack these things and turn it into something that can change our lives. The ‘spiritual’ label in a spiritual life coach may make some people sceptical, but the word is simply and umbrella term that mostly means matters of the mind – we all have it within us to achieve greatness, but there’s no shame in recruiting help along the way,

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